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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Auld Baldy Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:40:12
Blaze has just gone into Pink.

This is the first time I've seen Mirkey taking a dip. I've offered him a paddling pool before but he never seemed interested in getting wet. Hopefully he is going to shed soon as he hasn't done so since I got him 7 months ago. Seems a lot longer that we have been buddies.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Auld Baldy Posted - 10/03/2012 : 20:46:05
I've been quite lucky in catching most of my lot shedding but this was only the second that I caught from start to finish. I tried to get a series of pics but she was all over the place and the lighting wasn't the best. A video camera would be the best option but other things have first claim on the next months budget.

Hissyfit Posted - 10/03/2012 : 20:15:49
Lovely snakes! That shedding pic is brilliant, I've yet to see either of mine shed. I watched Voldemort for most of the day on Monday as he was due to shed, and he waited until I had to pick the kids up from school
scottishbluebird Posted - 10/03/2012 : 17:15:23
lol great shed
Auld Baldy Posted - 10/03/2012 : 17:02:35
I'm on chaperone duty for the fore-seeable.
smart bunny Posted - 10/03/2012 : 16:02:36
Lol, you'd better make sure your vivs are super secure at the moment then!!
Auld Baldy Posted - 10/03/2012 : 13:39:03
Absolutely SB. Before the little madam turned pink she caught sight of Big T through the viv door and started doing the Snakey Shuffle and straining to get at the Big Yin. Normally she is very docile and demure but after she shed & dumped she went screaming around the viv like something possessed.

Big T has been stalking up down and roundabout all over the place like a love struck teenager.
smart bunny Posted - 10/03/2012 : 10:00:37
Aww, I think she looked pretty in pink! Lovely fesh colours now :) Corno is in blue at the moment, I need another snake to play with!

So are the females just as bad as the males this time of year then? Just there have been several threads recently abour breeding season behaviour and answer given (including by me) is 'it's a male, it's breeding season' but do females try desparately to get out of vivs/go off food as well?
Auld Baldy Posted - 10/03/2012 : 03:52:39
Yesss! Blaze had gone clear for a couple of days and was getting a bit more active than usual. Took her out for a quick check and she started to shed when I put her back in the viv. Clean shed with eye-caps and tail tip no problem. Did me the honour of a monstrous poop as a grande finale.

This is half way through and you can see the colour difference.

Ta-raaah! Pink Lady no more.

Hormone levels are all systems go and she is zooming about, flaunting herself like a brazen hussy. It is driving poor Big T absolutely nuts.
kev 5 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 17:33:32
good pics
smart bunny Posted - 04/03/2012 : 17:11:28
Oooh Blaze is going to look super pretty soon!
Okeetee Mick Posted - 04/03/2012 : 16:00:23
Nice pics, and cracking looking snakes.
Mamma Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:51:36
thats pretty cool!!
ScalySituation Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:43:13
great pics :)

Good luck for succesful sheds

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