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 14 weeks old =)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HisMogwai Posted - 18/02/2012 : 17:38:08
My baby =) got him on Monday
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lili Posted - 17/03/2012 : 15:25:12
Glad to hear he was found safe, he's adorable
HisMogwai Posted - 17/03/2012 : 12:56:41
Originally posted by smart bunny

Oh no, so sorry to hear he's escaped Don't lose hope, lots of people have lost snakes and found them again, be it the same day or months later! One thing is - have you checked the viv absolutely thoroughly? It's not uncommon for people to think their snake is missing just to discover them hiding particularly well!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you

Found him!! =) just this morning he was in my printer =) took a good few hours to get him out =S but now hes safe and secure in his viv =) sooo relieved =) once hes settled in ill add photos =)
smart bunny Posted - 03/03/2012 : 09:00:16
Oh no, so sorry to hear he's escaped Don't lose hope, lots of people have lost snakes and found them again, be it the same day or months later! One thing is - have you checked the viv absolutely thoroughly? It's not uncommon for people to think their snake is missing just to discover them hiding particularly well!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you
EmSquem Posted - 02/03/2012 : 21:41:22
Sloop cute! I love amels
HisMogwai Posted - 02/03/2012 : 18:01:43
=( he escaped from his viv sometime on Wednesday or Thursday =( iv read the forum on what to do so i have water tubs about the house, some bottle traps, his viv is now on the floor and open just incase he returns =( iv turned off all the heating in the house so that if he wants heat he will need to go back to his viv, iv put makshift hides in all rooms aswell and check them regularly and everything is off the floor , i have nothing on the walls as i have just moved house and no books or anything like that at my new house the only thing that is concerning me is that although the downstairs is floored the upstairs is just jip rock stuff so there are holes around all the radiator pipes so if he got up stairs and is in one of them how would i get him out without ripping up the floor? =S
kev 5 Posted - 24/02/2012 : 20:09:47
very nice
smart bunny Posted - 20/02/2012 : 19:44:55
Aww it's great that his shed went well! No, you don't have to wait to feed after they've shed. Some snakes (like Corno) feed when in blue whereas others won't. They can be fed straight away though without a problem :)
HisMogwai Posted - 20/02/2012 : 16:12:53
Originally posted by scottishbluebird

Glad it went so well

Thank you =) And can anyone tell me is there a period of time you shouldn't feed him after he sheds? =) The pet shop fed him on Sundays and he shed yesterday but i still fed him cause I didn't want him going hungry ,It wasn't till today i wondered if i shouldn't ... he is acting fine though, i am just a worrier =)
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/02/2012 : 00:26:12
Glad it went so well
HisMogwai Posted - 19/02/2012 : 22:08:37
Thank you for all the lovely comments and thought i would let you know that he shed this morning =) came off in one piece and i checked his eyes and tail =) all is looking good. Ill take some pictures of him and add them now that he is more vibrant =)
smart bunny Posted - 19/02/2012 : 20:26:00
Thanks, she's an anery :)
Moriarty Posted - 19/02/2012 : 18:28:46
Aw, very nice snake there, I love the motley pattern. Really great colours, lucky you! :D
thistle Posted - 19/02/2012 : 00:58:17
Congrats on your new addition, he's lovely.
ScalySituation Posted - 18/02/2012 : 20:48:46
i just damp but rung out slightly kitchen roll in :)

You may also want to put summin on the floor of whatever he's in just so the substrate doesnt get soggy :)
HisMogwai Posted - 18/02/2012 : 20:44:59
Originally posted by smart bunny

Aww he's so dinky! Lovely colour :)

With Corno I just popped some moss in one of her hides because she previously had bad sheds with us. It may be best to wait and see - most snakes don't need help I don't think?

Edit - Just in case that wasn't clear, it was sphagnum moss (probably spelt incorrectly!) from the shop where we got Corno.

Thank you =) that is really helpful =) I will wait and see then try that if there is a problem =) my partner thinks i worry too much about him =S but i don't want to do anything wrong so he will just have to put up with it haha =)

Corno is gorgeous =) what Morth is she?
smart bunny Posted - 18/02/2012 : 20:05:21
Aww he's so dinky! Lovely colour :)

With Corno I just popped some moss in one of her hides because she previously had bad sheds with us. It may be best to wait and see - most snakes don't need help I don't think?

Edit - Just in case that wasn't clear, it was sphagnum moss (probably spelt incorrectly!) from the shop where we got Corno.
HisMogwai Posted - 18/02/2012 : 19:10:20
Originally posted by ScalySituation

could try a damp hide if you're worried :)

i was just wondering if i should do something like that, sorry for my ignorance but can you buy it in a pet shop or can you make changes to the current hide on the warm side to achieve this? I have read alot on shedding but so many things say different things it would be nice to know what people with corn snakes do =)
ScalySituation Posted - 18/02/2012 : 19:01:38
could try a damp hide if you're worried :)
HisMogwai Posted - 18/02/2012 : 19:01:04
Originally posted by ScalySituation

it might be just the light but is he heading into blue?

Hey sorry didn't notice this post , Yeh i think he might be, since this pic hes calmed down and hasn't came out of his hide, was worried at first as we had just got him and he is our first snake =S but i was looking at him yesterday and his eyes are definitely misty and his colours have dulled right down so im a bit less worried but hope everything goes ok for him =S
HisMogwai Posted - 18/02/2012 : 18:46:26
Originally posted by Falice

aw he's so cute and tiny (:D) he looks like my Trevor too.

I know =S i was scared to pick him up at first just in case i hurt him, hes thinner than my pinkie =) and Thank you =) i was looking at your photos Trevor is beautiful =) I love his pattern =)

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