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 maybe this'll work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ScalySituation Posted - 09/11/2011 : 19:34:15
ok so my strange fone lets me upload pics 2 fb but nowhere else so i'll post the links, these are pretty old photos i'll try and get some more 2nite when we feedn her!/photo.php?fbid=2023654031086&set=a.1425562399169.2053301.1236031006&type=3&theater!/photo.php?fbid=2023653511073&set=a.1425562399169.2053301.1236031006&type=3&theater
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ScalySituation Posted - 09/11/2011 : 19:53:03
yup :) i'm also gonna ask for a morph guide as i am starting to get my head around them but cant get on comp when i'm out and about lol
tordyjo Posted - 09/11/2011 : 19:48:51
not long till santas due
ScalySituation Posted - 09/11/2011 : 19:45:04
no i havent actually, but my fone is riduculous, thats why a digital camera is on my xmas list
tordyjo Posted - 09/11/2011 : 19:44:17
the links don't work, probably as you have your settings to friends only, i wouldn't suggest you go changing them though, have you tried uploading them to flicker, most phones will upload to there.

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