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 Loki nomming and Kalypso's first constrict

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mort13 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 13:39:59
Loki in his feeding tub acting very strange! He focused on something above him but God knows what,he stayed like that for ages and nothing,not even his mouse would distract him! I had to move him in the end:

Finally he got down to business:

Kalypso performing her first constrict. She's the youngest corn I've had thats done one. So proud!

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 03/11/2011 : 07:59:05
Originally posted by Rawr

Hello Mort13, i was wondering what morph is Loki as he is identical to my 10 year old corn "Cyril".

Also to add Kalypso is looking outstanding! Beautiful snake, amazing constrict. I look forward to updates on both :)

Hi,Loki is a Carolina (normal,wild type) personally I think normal is an insult as the wild type is one of the nicest. 10 years old eh,you'll have to get some pics up if you haven't already.

Thanks guys,my snakes are blushing now.
Okeetee Mick Posted - 02/11/2011 : 22:05:36
Great pics
Rawr Posted - 02/11/2011 : 20:55:52
Hello Mort13, i was wondering what morph is Loki as he is identical to my 10 year old corn "Cyril".

Also to add Kalypso is looking outstanding! Beautiful snake, amazing constrict. I look forward to updates on both :)
Emmy1 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 17:57:01
Cool pictures. Kalypso is gorgeous.
scottishbluebird Posted - 02/11/2011 : 17:15:45
lol, love that first pic
Simmy_82 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:35:44
Loving Loki colourings! Very excited, but still a while before mine is that bright!
Mamma Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:05:16
cracking pics as usual!! <3
garrie Posted - 02/11/2011 : 15:01:27
Awesome shots. Kalypo's constrict is great
paulie78 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 14:53:15
Kalypso is seriously cute mate
Kez Posted - 02/11/2011 : 14:04:30
LOL, Loki was hypnotised by the sweet smell of dead mousey

Cutie Kalypso, too
Mort13 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 14:00:11
Originally posted by Dancross0

Nice pics!

How old is Kalypso?

Kalypso hatched 25th June so just over 4 months old now.
Dancross0 Posted - 02/11/2011 : 13:48:18
Nice pics!

How old is Kalypso?

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