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 Someone is still tired......

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Smile [:)] Big Smile [:D] Cool [8D] Blush [:I]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Red123 Posted - 31/10/2011 : 14:01:51

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hissyfit Posted - 02/11/2011 : 10:23:16
That's a great pic
Okeetee Mick Posted - 01/11/2011 : 19:02:03
Know just how Sid feels
Red123 Posted - 01/11/2011 : 11:20:25
Thanks everyone, it was purely luck though. He just happened to yawn as the phone focused and took the photo. Keep hoping for a tongue photo but just never seem to catch that. This one has made up for it though :)
garrie Posted - 31/10/2011 : 22:09:28
Awesome shot
kdlang Posted - 31/10/2011 : 20:40:22
Lucky you capturing it on camera. I never have mine to hand when it matters
EmSquem Posted - 31/10/2011 : 20:10:09
Haha what a fab pic, I love it when they yawn!!!
Mamma Posted - 31/10/2011 : 17:54:14
great pic
scottishbluebird Posted - 31/10/2011 : 16:07:12
nusnakemum Posted - 31/10/2011 : 15:45:37
aaawww bless that extra hour do you in Sid !
Mort13 Posted - 31/10/2011 : 14:35:18
Lol,love it!!

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