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 A few feeding pics from tonight

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paulie78 Posted - 25/10/2011 : 21:04:50
Hey guys took a few snaps while feeding tonight as batterys wouldnt last to get any videos everyone ate cept for Eddie who i left out of feeding tonight as hes in full blue bless him

The award for laziest snake goes to ....Barl

Too lazy to even get off the cork bark to eat!

Artemis trying to remember which end shes supposed to start at

She got it wrong!

And last but not least Eve

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Becky_Ben Posted - 26/10/2011 : 17:19:36
Haha i thought it was just me being a wimp jumping a mile when my hatchie strikes and talking to me lol guess not, there beautifull :)
paulie78 Posted - 26/10/2011 : 17:16:03
Originally posted by c00ki3z

I love Barl :) looks so happy eating her pinkie.. And I think Amels are beautiful, despite being 'a dime a dozen'

I completely agree a very underated morph as are Carolinas (yes im one of those tarts that prefers the phrase "Carolinas" as opposed to "normals" lol)
paulie78 Posted - 26/10/2011 : 17:14:05
Originally posted by Kez

Lol paulie, we do exactly the same. After Maizie shed for the first time with us, she struck at the fluff from inside her cave, which I was not expecting at all after previously being so ladylike and even I was shocked at my language when I listened back I had to make sure Hubby removed the audio so that my parents didn't hear my obscenities I might be nearly 40, but you still can't swear like that when your parents are in earshot lol

Lol nope you cant she just made me jump cause shes usually just so laid back thank god for modern technology id love to add decent music to the vids but youtubes copyright thingy doesnt let you (even though its music on my pc ive bought and paid for!)
Kez Posted - 26/10/2011 : 12:35:45
Lol paulie, we do exactly the same. After Maizie shed for the first time with us, she struck at the fluff from inside her cave, which I was not expecting at all after previously being so ladylike and even I was shocked at my language when I listened back I had to make sure Hubby removed the audio so that my parents didn't hear my obscenities I might be nearly 40, but you still can't swear like that when your parents are in earshot lol
c00ki3z Posted - 26/10/2011 : 11:51:45
I love Barl :) looks so happy eating her pinkie.. And I think Amels are beautiful, despite being 'a dime a dozen'
paulie78 Posted - 26/10/2011 : 11:39:47
Originally posted by Kez

Wow, Barl's colours are so vivid; gorgeous

Am I the only one who finds myself talking to snakey when they're taking the mousey from the wrong end, telling them that they're a silly billy, they're supposed to take the head first lol as if they give a damn or even understand the stupid human in their midst

Thanks i know Amels are a dime a dozen but i really do think shes a very pretty girl lol and your certainly not alone talking to your snakes whyd you think theres no sound on any of my videos its cause ive removed the audio so you dont hear me swearing when they strike so fast i lay an egg or listening to me gently encouraging them lmao
paulie78 Posted - 26/10/2011 : 11:37:11
Originally posted by nusnakemum

great photos Barl has amazing colours - Ernest has started from "wrong" end too the other day he sarted in the middle of his mouse - i could,nt watch

Aww bless him i think all of mine have done it at least once ..i really cant say i have a favourite but barl is a daddys girl and she loves to be handled and doesnt like going back in after lol
ugh when browseing youtube yesterday i noticed someone was feeding a two headed kingsnake both heads were eating the same mouse and the owner just watched and laughed made my blood boil!! i reported it to youtube!
Kez Posted - 26/10/2011 : 10:33:46
Wow, Barl's colours are so vivid; gorgeous

Am I the only one who finds myself talking to snakey when they're taking the mousey from the wrong end, telling them that they're a silly billy, they're supposed to take the head first lol as if they give a damn or even understand the stupid human in their midst
nusnakemum Posted - 26/10/2011 : 10:02:44
great photos Barl has amazing colours - Ernest has started from "wrong" end too the other day he sarted in the middle of his mouse - i could,nt watch
paulie78 Posted - 26/10/2011 : 09:59:31
Originally posted by garrie

Great shots

AURYN is yet to devour a mouse the wrong way - did it take Artemis longer to get it down?

Thanks guys no garrie she still ate it quite quick she fussed about with it at the start though she always does lol she initially started getting her jaws around the head end then decided to go for the smelly end first lol
Mamma Posted - 26/10/2011 : 09:36:47
fab pics most of mine feed backwards too
garrie Posted - 26/10/2011 : 09:01:28
Great shots

AURYN is yet to devour a mouse the wrong way - did it take Artemis longer to get it down?
paulie78 Posted - 25/10/2011 : 21:29:07
Thankies and Yup its the first time ive actually seen her drink lol
polarchick Posted - 25/10/2011 : 21:17:05
They are all looking lovely!

Is Eve having a little drink there?

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