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 Name needed for this pretty one

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lotsofsmoggies Posted - 25/10/2011 : 08:54:44
I brought this beauty on Sunday, he still remains nameless. Any ideas?

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gmac Posted - 25/10/2011 : 21:11:39
is a very pretty snake so deserves a fitting name

stotty01 Posted - 25/10/2011 : 21:06:47
buttery biscuit base......
Simmy_82 Posted - 25/10/2011 : 13:42:54
Nice spot there Garrie with that theme continued how about Gibson, Les or Paul ha ha... Or Fender
garrie Posted - 25/10/2011 : 13:34:00
He looks lovely With regards to a name...first thing that jumped to mind when i saw the top photo, was that he was kinda making the shape of a guitar - so perhaps Riff or Pluck or something?...just a thought
Beverly Louise Posted - 25/10/2011 : 13:13:52
I'm terrible for naming things (hence my first two rats were called Salt and Pepper and my goldfish is called Goldvur, which is just goldfish in another language :L)
I either name my pets after food or movie characters (Alfie was adopted and doesn't count in this) but I reckon the name Micheal seems quite nice for yours (:
Or you could just call him snake in German or something :L google translate does wonders (:
SheWolfey Posted - 25/10/2011 : 12:17:02
What about Ra the Egyptian Sun god? Or Mars the Roman god of war?
He is a very nice colour by the way
nusnakemum Posted - 25/10/2011 : 11:40:18
oooooooh i like Nigel !!!!
Casta Posted - 25/10/2011 : 10:18:04
i always try to go with personality before colour... casta was called shnackey until her constat tail shaking gave her the name casta (net) also is spanish for pure which her being a snow seems to fit... something will come into your head and will stick when it seems right
Kez Posted - 25/10/2011 : 09:56:02
Nigel lmao

What about Toffee or Caramac, because of the colouring of snakey, who happens to also be very cute
ScalySituation Posted - 25/10/2011 : 09:53:00
nusnakemum Posted - 25/10/2011 : 09:42:02
biscuit - because he,s a biscuity colour (n i could just do with a choc hobnob !)Pebbles because of his pebble shape markings or Bob, Horace ......oh dear once i start i do go on ............, Gregory, Pip
Simmy_82 Posted - 25/10/2011 : 09:29:00
A friend told me when naming his reptillian pets that he uses the first Sci-Fi name that comes to him when looking at his pets. So i thought i'd giv it a try.

First name that comes to me when looking at yours it...... Worf

Think its becuase of the yellowy colour and the head markings

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