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 Testing the iPhone 4 camera..

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hillzi Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:07:23

Pixalated to the max.. Not too bad though I don't think!
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SheWolfey Posted - 29/10/2011 : 17:41:43
Ooo, lovely picture
c00ki3z Posted - 29/10/2011 : 17:05:32
Lovely pics the camera is very good!
The best camera phone I've had so far is the Sony Ericsson Satio..
hillzi Posted - 29/10/2011 : 16:39:54
Cheers all, and Dancross it's a bamboo root I bought from the Live Food By Post eBay shop for about £8 free p&p, there's also a bit of cork bark he's laying on.
Dancross0 Posted - 22/10/2011 : 14:33:07
Cool pic mate! Blaze looks great.
Whats the upright plant/branch thing?
MammasGirl Posted - 22/10/2011 : 10:28:43
Very nice picture
Mort13 Posted - 21/10/2011 : 19:24:51
I'm actually quite surprised at the quality of that for an iPhone 4! He's a lovely snake.
mkmattyk Posted - 21/10/2011 : 14:31:20
sorry mate got carried away with the geek within, blaze looks luvly
Kez Posted - 21/10/2011 : 14:03:55
Lovely pic and very lully Blaze
ptmbradley Posted - 21/10/2011 : 13:17:24
forgot to say though, the iPhone picked up Blaze nicely mate. Nice pic.
ptmbradley Posted - 21/10/2011 : 13:14:48
Originally posted by oakleyman18

Yeah, nokia n8 is generally considered to be the best. Then the galaxy s2, then the iPhone 4S. After all, it's using a Sony sensor that was in their standalone cameras a few years ago. The f/2.4 isnt too bad, but again its less than the s2 and N8. Also the hd video capture has a better system of compression on the S2. Tech babble over :-)

I am WELL impressed with the video on my S2. Focussing sometimes takes a second or 2, but the quality is beautiful. I use my phone instead of my camcorder now! lol
oakleyman18 Posted - 21/10/2011 : 13:10:43
Yeah, nokia n8 is generally considered to be the best. Then the galaxy s2, then the iPhone 4S. After all, it's using a Sony sensor that was in their standalone cameras a few years ago. The f/2.4 isnt too bad, but again its less than the s2 and N8. Also the hd video capture has a better system of compression on the S2. Tech babble over :-)
garrie Posted - 21/10/2011 : 08:53:47
Nice picture Hillzi - looks good
mkmattyk Posted - 21/10/2011 : 08:37:58
best phone to have for pics is the nokia n8, it has carl zeiss lens and a 12mp camera i tested my against my partners iphone phone 4 and no contest
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/10/2011 : 01:41:00
Great pic!
ptmbradley Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:29:08
my Galaxy SII takes cracking pics. Ridiculous how fast technology is advancing! I remember buying my first digital camera about a decade ago. A whole megapixel for a couple of hundred quid. Now I got 8 megapixels on my PHONE! Mad...
hillzi Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:17:50
Cheers. it's deceptive he looks small but that's nearly 4 foot of snake there!

tordyjo Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:10:01
nice picture
gmac Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:08:27
not too shabby ;)

Blaze is looking good though

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