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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Auld Baldy Posted - 19/10/2011 : 01:39:51
I yielded to temptation and chiselled the super glue off the phone buttons. My fix reward is Blaze.

Super cool and not shy in the least. Unprobed but doesn't matter and has been well cared for by previous owner. More pics to follow once 'she' has settled in properly. Well chuffed! Sorry Mamma, you had your chance. lol!

19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Auld Baldy Posted - 23/10/2011 : 20:45:52
Anyone ever heard of a shed coming off like it was a sock pulled off straight off by the toe instead of rolled down and inverted?
Well you have now.

When I checked the skin, it had split at both sides of the jaw and she had just slid straight out of it perfectly.
Auld Baldy Posted - 20/10/2011 : 22:29:15
Ha-ha! Sorry Hillzi, that was the name assigned by the SSPCA as were Mirkey and Woody. I just keep them the same for reference. Like boats, it is considered unlucky to just change names.

BTW, she matches your Blaze at 4ft too. I'm guessing she's about 3 or 4 years old.
hillzi Posted - 20/10/2011 : 21:31:13
Cracking Amel, smart name too.
Auld Baldy Posted - 20/10/2011 : 15:11:58
Yes Mort, absolutely disgraceful lack .... said he with a snigger and a big cheesy grin.
Mort13 Posted - 20/10/2011 : 14:30:30
Ooh lovely. Lucky you! Disgraceful lack of willpower though!
Hissyfit Posted - 20/10/2011 : 09:51:26
Don't worry, I'm sure she'll ignore you and you'll be her first port of call for any new arrivals
Auld Baldy Posted - 20/10/2011 : 01:48:18
If I'm honest ... then well I suppose yes. OK I admit it, I have no will power.

How the heck did you know about the speed dial??
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/10/2011 : 01:08:42
In other words, you are no.1 on her speed dial lol
Auld Baldy Posted - 20/10/2011 : 01:07:25
I've told the lassie at the SSPCA centre that under no circumstances is she to allow me to take on any more re-homers. No matter how much I beg and plead with her she must say NO!
thistle Posted - 19/10/2011 : 20:40:20
Blaze is gorgeous, don't blame you for not being able to resist.
sharon71 Posted - 19/10/2011 : 20:40:16
Shes lovely
Auld Baldy Posted - 19/10/2011 : 18:20:17
Ha! We are off to a flier with a complete and perfect shed. Missed it because I was on the forum reading posts. Next time! Next time!

Colours are even more brilliant now. One happy camper.
Auld Baldy Posted - 19/10/2011 : 16:54:51
Thanks folks.
He-he! Mamma, I did give you a fair warning and a full week to get in there first.
kdlang Posted - 19/10/2011 : 14:01:20
Congrats. She is beautiful
Hissyfit Posted - 19/10/2011 : 11:08:19
Lovely new addition! She's such a pretty colour
garrie Posted - 19/10/2011 : 10:52:31
Congratulations - i can see why you are so pleased with your new addition
Mamma Posted - 19/10/2011 : 08:52:06
oh i see! sneak right in there eh!! I will remember that! LOL. Im so glad hes gone to you. I really am. xxx
Auld Baldy Posted - 19/10/2011 : 02:27:07
I could have but would have had to chuck out more furniture. The landlord might think I'm about to do a moonlight flit going by the already bulging bins. LOL!

The pic doesn't do her justice as it was taken under domestic lights. Colours are brilliant.
scottishbluebird Posted - 19/10/2011 : 02:01:27
Awww could you not have taken Kindle too? Nice new addition though!!

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