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T O P I C    R E V I E W
paulie78 Posted - 16/10/2011 : 00:06:03
Firstly big thanks to everyone for theyre reassurances and msges before when Barl had her regurge i was freaking out a lil shes been fine since so im guesing it was just due to the shedding and eating at the same time that did it last couple days shes been out and actively looking for food its been a week so i figured id try her with some food found the smallest pinkie i had and fed her in her tub just to minimize stress as much as possible she certainly didnt need any encourageing the second i put the pinkie in the tub she was on it and she scoffed it very quickly it was gone in less than a minute its the fastest ive seen any of my guys eat lol anyway its been 13 hours since she ate nwo and everythings looking ok **fingers crossed**

Heres a few piccys

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MammasGirl Posted - 18/10/2011 : 17:51:31
aww cute adorible
gmac Posted - 16/10/2011 : 13:00:53
Originally posted by paulie78

but for me its just so hard to get my head around the not so demanding feeding schedule im constantly worried about over/underfeeding the snakes

You are not the only one, this part seems to be the hardest part for anyone to get the head round ;)
paulie78 Posted - 16/10/2011 : 12:52:54
Thanks gmac it wasnt 5 days there was a good 24 -36 hours before i noticed the regurge as i leave them for 48 hours after feeding so it was a lil premature amdittengly i was fully prepared to wait the ten days quite happily but after seeing her go a bit nutty as soon as she smelt the food the other day when i fed the other snakes i assumed she was hungry (bad move on my part wont happen again) ive most certainly learnt a few things and i really appreciate you taking the time to reply
im still a newbie and learning but for me its just so hard to get my head around the not so demanding feeding schedule im constantly worried about over/underfeeding the snakes

thanks again
gmac Posted - 16/10/2011 : 12:47:41
Originally posted by paulie78

Gmac i didn't feed her two whered it say i did that? i think you read the typo that shoulda read now as two ? i waited a week as i thought that was the advice a week to ten days

Apologies I misread the 2 pinkies.

You've not done anything to offend anyone at all, its just your own post says you wont feed for 10 days and others had advised to wait 10 days, you fed after 5. The snake after a regurge needs time to settle and build up the gut juices 5 days is a bit soon.

Looks like Barl has kept the foods down this time so is good. But please listen to what others advise, waiting a few extra days wouldn't have had any ill effects on Barl.

I can understand being an anxious person and having issues with forums in the past, we try to help here and if there is anything the admin / mod team can do to help you at all, where you feel anxious about posting something please feel free to email one of us and we will help you out happily.

paulie78 Posted - 16/10/2011 : 10:23:02
I hope nobody takes my last reply as a dig or anything i have the utmost of respect for everyone here i am however a very anxious person and it took a lot for me to join the forum id been reading it for a couple weeks before i actually joined because i had a bad experiance on a tropical fish forum once which has left me very cautious about forums but i figured its the best way to get info to make sure im doing stuff right.. Basically i listened to bad advice and setup my tank wrong and got torn a new one because of it obviously i corrected it asap and now have been happily keeping/breeding fish for 5 years ive never had any major problems or outbreaks of disease and i hope one day to be able to say the same re the snakes ..i apologise if ive done anything to offend anyone obviously not my intention and i hope my last comment wasnt sounding defensive i just wanted to explain
paulie78 Posted - 16/10/2011 : 10:00:47
Gmac i didnt feed her two whered it say i did that? i think you read the typo that shoulda read now as two ? i waited a week as i thought that was the advice a week to ten days
now i feel as though people are having a pop ive been stressing about this all week i guess they cant really look "hungry" but the other day when i took the mice out to defrost and placed them in the viv that contains her rub she was having a good old sniff and wandering round the rub a lot for a good hour which she doesnt normally do much so i assumed she could smell them and was probably hungry (though i didnt feed her then i waited)
at the end of the day i just want to do whats best for my snakes certainly not here to rub people up the wrong way wish i hadnt posted now!
Kehhlyr Posted - 16/10/2011 : 00:40:15
I never realised that whenever I go out for a wander that I'm evidently looking for food.

If I fed my snakes every time they were out 'actively looking for food' then I would be feeding my snakes on average 10 times a day.
The kings and retic would be twice that.
thistle Posted - 16/10/2011 : 00:30:11
That's great! It's a big relief when they eat, especially after a regurge.

I fed my new snake for the 1st time tonight, 10 days after he had regurgitated his last meal (given to him at the pet shop). He took it without any problems, so I've just got my fingers crossed that it stays down.
gmac Posted - 16/10/2011 : 00:23:09
nice to see you took the advice given to you in your regurge thread. No wait you didnt the ten day period for not feeding after a regurge is there for a reason also giving it 2, not really the best idea. Hope it works out for the snake.

Nice looking beast all the same.

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