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 Some garden pics

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LarkaDawg Posted - 15/10/2011 : 20:39:05
Took my snakes outside a while ago and here are a few of the pictures. They were mainly for a friend's art project hence the theme.




And a quick size comparison (shes 2 and overweight, he's 1 1/2 and underweight)

Note: avoid snakes in trees at all costs unless you have a spare hour to get them out!
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mamma Posted - 18/10/2011 : 11:35:42
Lovely pics
MammasGirl Posted - 18/10/2011 : 11:32:09
Osum i'm Joani
tordyjo Posted - 16/10/2011 : 19:29:32
fab shots, you did well to get them back out of the tree afterwards
kdlang Posted - 16/10/2011 : 19:01:34
Originally posted by LarkaDawg

Originally posted by kdlang

How is Pan's feeding going?

He's going well thanks, he's in a faun in the spare room so it's all quiet. I handle him once a week roughly and he ate one fuzzy last weekend and two this morning. He's definately in better shape and won't be going in with Lyra until he's bigger. Also, when we go on holiday I'm taking his whole set up to the shop so it won't be as stressful.

So glad to hear that hun. They do like to worry us the little blighters lol
shaunb Posted - 16/10/2011 : 16:55:51
really awesome pics they are lovely
Sta~ple Posted - 16/10/2011 : 16:34:29
Lovely pictures
hillzi Posted - 16/10/2011 : 15:46:19
Awesome shots of the anery in three on the apples!
LarkaDawg Posted - 16/10/2011 : 13:13:42
Originally posted by kdlang

How is Pan's feeding going?

He's going well thanks, he's in a faun in the spare room so it's all quiet. I handle him once a week roughly and he ate one fuzzy last weekend and two this morning. He's definately in better shape and won't be going in with Lyra until he's bigger. Also, when we go on holiday I'm taking his whole set up to the shop so it won't be as stressful.
LarkaDawg Posted - 16/10/2011 : 08:57:26
Lol! Thanks!
Dancross0 Posted - 15/10/2011 : 23:41:31
Excellent photos. Who thought that snakes in apple trees would be a problem.....
Auld Baldy Posted - 15/10/2011 : 23:39:00
Sunshine in a garden at this time of year plus serpents plus apple tree!!

Divine intervention obviously played a part to get such nice pics ... and I hope that appropriate fig leaves were worn.
Okeetee Mick Posted - 15/10/2011 : 23:29:19
Really top quality
garrie Posted - 15/10/2011 : 23:19:33
Beautiful shots, especially love the one of the two of them together
kdlang Posted - 15/10/2011 : 22:37:45
They do look gorgeous outside. I love the contrast of Lyra's dark eyes with her bright colours. And Pan is sooo cute.

How is Pan's feeding going?
scottishbluebird Posted - 15/10/2011 : 22:12:21
There are some really really fantastic shots
paulie78 Posted - 15/10/2011 : 21:28:33
lol awesome pics reckon if i tried that id be calling the fire brigade to come get them down tree climbing has never been a skill of mine lmao
ga-rat Posted - 15/10/2011 : 21:00:01
lovely snakes, great pics as well.

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