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 Can't believe the difference in size

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thistle Posted - 13/10/2011 : 20:58:16
I weighed my new corn Bradley today. He hatched July 2010 and only weighs 41g! If you remember, this is the snake that regurgitated a large mouse that was fed to him in the pet shop last week.

My amel also hatched July 2010 but, as of 3wks ago, weighs 196g. (Please ignore the unconscious dogs in the background, lol)

To look at them you would never think that they were the sane age.
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MammasGirl Posted - 18/10/2011 : 18:00:09
cute cute cute lol
thistle Posted - 15/10/2011 : 20:14:54
Thanks everyone. I know Barnaby (amel) is slightly chunkier than he should be, but even allowing for that, the size difference is still amazing. It really does show that you can't judge the age of a corn by it's size.

Bradley is underweight though and is 'v' shaped as opposed to the 'loaf' shape he should be. There is just no way he has been eating, and keeping down, the medium/large mouse every 7 days that the guy in the pet shop told me he's been getting.

I've given him 10 days to recover from the regurge and fed him a (very) small mouse tonight, which he took without a problem. Fingers crossed he keeps it down ok. I weighed him again before feeding and he was down to 40g (must have poo'd since I last weighed him) but hopefully, now he's on more appropriate sized food and has the correct temperatures, he'll start gaining weight.
SheWolfey Posted - 14/10/2011 : 19:41:17
They are both gorgeous snakes
There is a big different between their sizes
manda88 Posted - 14/10/2011 : 15:13:02
How dumb can the people in the pet shop be to try and feed a corn that small a large mouse One of my September '10s is about 80g and on small mice!!
It's crazy how they grow at different rates even if they're being fed regularly, one of mine hatched in June '10 and is 230g, she's by far the biggest though as the others that hatched around the same time as her are about 150g, yet someone I know has a couple that are the same age and over 400g!!
Best of luck with Bradley, this time next year you'll look at this thread and say 'I can't believe he was ever that small!'
Mamma Posted - 14/10/2011 : 10:25:48
lmao at the unconcious dog! fab pics xx
Mort13 Posted - 14/10/2011 : 09:37:50
Beautiful snakes. This just shows why you can't put an age on a snake by its size!
Hissyfit Posted - 14/10/2011 : 07:42:22
I'm sure he'll come on now that he has a good home Both lovely looking snakes, can't believe the pet shop feeding such a small snake a large mouse
tordyjo Posted - 14/10/2011 : 07:38:25
they're both lovely, 41g and fed a large mouse!! lilly's only just started eating small mice and she just hitting the 100g mark, hope he's ok now though
LarkaDawg Posted - 14/10/2011 : 07:01:42
Wow your amel is huge! my july 2010 snake is smaller than Bradley :S
Hope hes gettIng on okay now!
shaunb Posted - 13/10/2011 : 23:36:35
that is crazy 2 beautiful corns though

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