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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nathan76 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:10:17
this is casper, my 4 year old ghost in her newly converted fish tank.
she,s stunning, around 4ft long and very friendly (when i see her, lol)
only had her 3 days and she,s mostly under the aspen at the moment.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 30/09/2011 : 22:52:14
Again simply gorgeous
nathan76 Posted - 30/09/2011 : 22:29:28
had casper 5 days, she,s just had her first meal and is very active investigating her newly finished viv.

nathan76 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 23:30:40
cheers for the comments
right, been back to the shop and bought 3 more plants so both sides are covered and ive just layed the other on the floor along the back of the tank. also added a second hide. i woke her up and she,s now been out and about exploring for the last 5 hours. lets hope thats the trick!
Mort13 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 19:18:25
She's lovely. Congrats.
EmSquem Posted - 28/09/2011 : 19:03:10
Very nice! Lovely snake you got there
kdlang Posted - 28/09/2011 : 17:08:21
Each snake is different so it is hard to say how long it will take. You can help her settle in quicker by making her feel secure and also by introducing your scent to her tank. Some people get a sock and carry it around in their armpit or tucked into the waistband of their jeans for a day and then place it into the tank. I usually just run my hand over all the viv accessories and thru the aspen to transfer my scent making sure I don't get to close to snakie and stress her out. Avoid handling for the first week, just change her water every day. I'm sure she will settle quite quickly however some can take a few weeks to feel totally confident to be out when you are around. Some actually are never seen out much.
Newbie Posted - 28/09/2011 : 13:17:35
Aww what a stunning snake!
nathan76 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 07:50:07
thanks for the comments
kdlang cheers also for the advice. i have another hide but it seemed to be taking too much space up with the large water bowl and she hasn,t even been in the cool end yet but i,ll try it. think i,ll cover the ends too, give here more cover. how long should it take to settle in?
kdlang Posted - 28/09/2011 : 06:21:14
She is an absolute beauty.
You might be able to help her feel more secure so she settles in a little quicker if you provide somewhere for her to hide in that end. She should have hides at the warm and cool ends of the tank. I would also consider covering the 2 sides of the tank. She could be hiding so much because she feels too exposed.
scottishbluebird Posted - 28/09/2011 : 02:02:09
shaunb Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:33:10
very very nice
Mamma Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:15:32
lovely I have a ghost motley but hes only cb10
gmac Posted - 28/09/2011 : 00:13:01
very nice

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