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 cb11 reverse okeetee het caramel stripe

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nathan76 Posted - 27/09/2011 : 23:58:09
this is ROCS, my 3 months old Reverse Okeetee het Caramel Stripe.
he,s stunning with a great colour, pattern and appitite, already 15"

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
telmadee Posted - 02/10/2011 : 08:33:13
beautiful little guy
nathan76 Posted - 30/09/2011 : 22:21:53
managed to get some better pics of ROCS.
he,s put some size on in the 5 weeks ive had him and still only 12 weeks old!

eeji Posted - 29/09/2011 : 23:57:02

RO or regular amel, he's still a pretty! :)
manda88 Posted - 29/09/2011 : 20:25:49
He certainly is a beautiful little snake, perfect amount of white if you ask me! Gorgeous bright saddles too!
And Gmac, my apologies! And to you, Ian, if you see this, I should have asked your permission first!
nathan76 Posted - 29/09/2011 : 20:11:56
a bit blured but shows the pattern a bit better

nathan76 Posted - 29/09/2011 : 19:24:33
cheers folks
i,d have no idea myself but bought it as named and the shop bred it theirselves so know about the parent bloodline. i,d like to think i could trust them but anyway i just picked him by the stunning colours and patterns. cant wait till he,s old enough to get jiggy with my ghost.
manda88 Posted - 29/09/2011 : 12:35:05
Originally posted by nathan76

thanks for the comments. i,ll have to try and do some better pics now he,s a bit bigger. theres deffo a good white band between the colours but the pics dont do him any justice.

This is what I'd consider a 'low expression' reverse okeetee, any less white than this I would say it's an amel, but maybe that's just me being picky Image at the bottom by sunshine.

And then this one is just mind blowing!! Reverse okeetee hatchling.

Stole those pics off Ian's Vivarium, half the pics under reverse okeetee though I would count as amels. People (not you!) tend to throw the term around too much to be honest, not sure why though as I don't see what difference it makes, whether it's an amel or reverse okeetee, they're still beautiful snakes!
Gosh I've waffled on a bit haven't I Anywho, Nathan I suspect if you bred your little one to another amel with good borders then you'd produce some stunning babies!!

Mod Edit: While im sure Eeji wouldnt mind you pinching photos from his site, it is polite to ask not only from Ian but from the person the photo is copyrighted to this will save the site any copyright infringements, in the meantime photos removed.
Red123 Posted - 29/09/2011 : 12:27:54
Very pretty, will be good to see some more pics, if he is bigger now.
thistle Posted - 29/09/2011 : 12:15:39
He's lovely, though have to agree that he looks more like an amel in those pics.
HannahB Posted - 29/09/2011 : 11:09:08
he's lovely although I would say he's more an amel
very cute
nathan76 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 23:24:17
thanks for the comments. i,ll have to try and do some better pics now he,s a bit bigger. theres deffo a good white band between the colours but the pics dont do him any justice.
fluffycorn Posted - 28/09/2011 : 21:40:48
he is very cute :)
Mort13 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 19:07:14
He's lovely.
EmSquem Posted - 28/09/2011 : 19:04:00
Mamma Posted - 28/09/2011 : 13:26:50

I agree with manda. Looks very amel like to me

Very pretty though
Newbie Posted - 28/09/2011 : 13:16:41
Awww lovely :-)
Emmy1 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 12:28:18
Lovely colours :)
ScalySituation Posted - 28/09/2011 : 11:25:17
pretty :)
manda88 Posted - 28/09/2011 : 10:27:27
Very nice, but I'm afraid he doesn't look like a reverse okeetee, just a pretty amel. To be classed as an RO it would need lots more white around the saddles. Regardless of morph, it's a beautiful little snake!
garrie Posted - 28/09/2011 : 08:52:07
He is lovely

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