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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Simmy_82 Posted - 01/08/2011 : 08:53:35
We are assuming for now that it is a she. This is down to guess work at present. Until i can get it sex'd. This is the only photo i have managed to get thats not totally dark, and just an outline. Its a bit blurred as it was taken from behind the Faun and guess work from me. I'll get some proper ones once she's settled in.

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 10/10/2011 : 18:38:12
She will take the fuzzy no bother, and you will be very proud!!
Simmy_82 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 14:25:41
Yeah a little. The Fuzzie i have is a little bigger than the largest Pinkie i have so i think she'll be fine, but we'll see. Like i say i think its one more week of 2 Pinkies, then two weeks of large Pinkies, then onto her first Fuzzie
scottishbluebird Posted - 10/10/2011 : 14:15:46
Ah, so when the pinkies are done, you will be a worried parent wondering if she will manage a fuzzy?
Simmy_82 Posted - 10/10/2011 : 08:47:12
Rather than creating a new post for every photo i'll keep adding them to this. Otherwise i'd end up with millions of threads...

Here is Sundays measuring pic. We are still swaying towards it being a girl (judging by the quick taper of her tail). She's now 19.5in and 22g. Still on 2 Pinkies, tho thats only for another week or so, nearly out of Pinkies

scottishbluebird Posted - 26/09/2011 : 10:08:18
You have a little cracker!
Simmy_82 Posted - 25/09/2011 : 21:20:17
Well Lilith ( more convinced she's a she) did a partial constrict on today's feed. Will post a few pics tomorrow when I get to a pc!

EDIT: Picture added. No increase in length this week, however 2g's heavier

Simmy_82 Posted - 14/09/2011 : 08:42:44

Here are a few i took with my digi cam and not my phone. They look a bit clearer, first one taken pre shed, last two post shed.

scottishbluebird Posted - 12/09/2011 : 16:49:16
You have a goegeous snakie
Simmy_82 Posted - 12/09/2011 : 08:27:26
Was very worried. But glad its over and went smoothly. Fed it last night too. Which i have questions about but will ask then in the correct area.

Here are some pics shortly after shedding and the following morning, with actual sunlight

Here is straight after, poor light as was early evening.

Here's the skin itself (which we've kept),

And here are the natural light shots from Sunday morning,

scottishbluebird Posted - 11/09/2011 : 18:22:07
Glad it went well after you being slightly nervous
Simmy_82 Posted - 09/09/2011 : 08:43:35
Thanks guys. She was clear last night when I checked on her. So hopefully she'll shed over the weekend and i'll have nice new shiny pics to show you all

EDIT: She shed perfectly. Saturday evening, 2 days after going clear! Eyes and tail tip all in one! I missed witnessing it by about half hour! Will post pics on Monday morning!
fluffycorn Posted - 08/09/2011 : 12:40:02
"she" is beautiful ... fluffy has just gone into blue aswell, i love it when they are all shiny after the shed :)
shaunb Posted - 08/09/2011 : 10:37:57
she is gorgeous and some really cool pics, that belly pattern looks cool
Mort13 Posted - 08/09/2011 : 09:16:03
Aww she's gorgeous. Reminds me of Loki when he was a little one. Will look forward to pics of her nice and shiny soon.
Simmy_82 Posted - 08/09/2011 : 08:47:42
Here's a coupler of him/her either going into or coming out of blue (not sure as its first chance i've had to get her out and check he/she was ok. She hadnt moved for 1-2 days so was a little worried. She wasnt at all grumpy while i handled her.

scottishbluebird Posted - 22/08/2011 : 13:20:55
Great video!
Simmy_82 Posted - 21/08/2011 : 22:42:16
Liliths feeding tonight. She struck well (didn't get that on video tho). Recorded this for a lady at work as she intrigued by it. No background sound tho im afraid do a bit boring. However she has put on 3g

EDIT: Grown an inch too

EDIT 2: Moved video to video section.
garrie Posted - 15/08/2011 : 09:41:58
Great pictures, she does look soo placid - lovely!
Simmy_82 Posted - 15/08/2011 : 09:24:58
Ok so here are a few more pics of our snake from over the weekend!

Friday night, i picked her up out of the Faun..... she stayed this calm the whole time!

The she started to explore a little when i passed her to the OH.

This was Saturday, about an hour before we gave her our second feed with her. Convinced she is always trying to get out, always paranoid about escape!
Tallscientist Posted - 12/08/2011 : 12:16:07
Love the chequerboard pattern - so excited as mine is arriving tomorrow :) :)

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