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 Dinnertime for a very blue chilli!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vixyg Posted - 20/06/2011 : 20:34:05
Wasnt sure if she would come out and eat as she is really blue but apparently she isnt bothered by that and flew at it like she hasnt eaten in months lol managed to get a couple of sneaky pics in this time too!

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
scottishbluebird Posted - 21/06/2011 : 20:00:53
Lol at Vickki
Vixyg Posted - 21/06/2011 : 16:45:54
if she was any bluer she would be a smurf! :o)
Mort13 Posted - 21/06/2011 : 09:36:59
Wow,she's very blue isn't she!
Mamma Posted - 21/06/2011 : 08:14:03
HannahB Posted - 20/06/2011 : 22:33:02
nice pics
Vixyg Posted - 20/06/2011 : 22:15:13
Thankyou :o) she needs to get going and shed and be all beautiful and shiny again!
tordyjo Posted - 20/06/2011 : 21:05:46
fab pics

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