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 Mango my miami phase

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kerrypx Posted - 13/06/2011 : 12:30:59
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Adsclarke Posted - 22/06/2011 : 16:27:43
Very nice - I love the grey ground colour. :)

crazy JJ Posted - 21/06/2011 : 01:18:34
she looks very nice indeed :)
scottishbluebird Posted - 20/06/2011 : 18:19:59
Yep, really pretty!
kerrypx Posted - 20/06/2011 : 12:53:49
thankyou for all your messages i think she is pretty but im going to ( at least i think mango is a she )
stuart619 Posted - 14/06/2011 : 13:20:57
Nice snake you have there. I do like the miami corns.
HannahB Posted - 14/06/2011 : 13:00:34
nice snake and pics
Newbie Posted - 13/06/2011 : 21:53:14
Aww what a beauty!
gingerpony Posted - 13/06/2011 : 20:43:17
Originally posted by kerrypx

...i think she is a miami phase...

some pics she looks miami but in other she looks more like a crimson......might take a year or so for her colouring to truly show
tordyjo Posted - 13/06/2011 : 18:06:42
lovely pics
Mort13 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 16:49:06
She's a stunner of a snake. Brill pics too.
lucifer Posted - 13/06/2011 : 15:25:40
Very pretty looking snake.
The second to last photo looks like she enjoys dinner very much
kdlang Posted - 13/06/2011 : 14:54:15
She is very very pretty
monalisa70 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 14:09:48
From the pics i've seen on the internet she defo looks like a Miami i was looking to get one my self until i got Saber
kerrypx Posted - 13/06/2011 : 14:03:18
thanks to all your comments i think she is a miami phase although not 100 percent postiv. her name is mango and i belive she is about 8 months old.
monalisa70 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 14:01:21
Lovley snake
gingerpony Posted - 13/06/2011 : 13:58:56
threads amalgamated by GP, original post by kerrypx

herriotfan Posted - 13/06/2011 : 13:12:11
Beautiful snake!!
Mamma Posted - 13/06/2011 : 13:01:46
Spreebok Posted - 13/06/2011 : 12:41:34
Hi Kerry, you are allowed to put more than one photo in a topic! You end up spamming the board otherwise! :P

Lovely corn though, I like the thin black borders!

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