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dtookey90 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 17:17:33
hia ll i have my 6 week old female amel motely het hypo het stripe (so i have been told) but i have looked on other forums that amel motleys have a plain belly and normal amels have the checkered belly but i dont know what to go on
she has a checkered belly but only if you really look can any one please help me in finding out what she really is?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gingerpony Posted - 13/06/2011 : 20:35:01
just looks like an amel to me........
dtookey90 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 18:05:15
I am totallypoopat them no matter how many times my breeder tells me lol #58669;
Mort13 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 16:43:26
She's gorgeous!
I love learning about morphs and the hets etc....or should I say trying to learn. I'm forever messing about on the corn calculator lol.
Mamma Posted - 13/06/2011 : 16:17:27
Originally posted by tarotpodge

lol. Im the same. GIRL SNAKE + BOY SNAKE = BABY SNAKES. That is the extent of my knowledge lol :-)

lmao! xx
tarotpodge Posted - 13/06/2011 : 15:50:50
lol. Im the same. GIRL SNAKE + BOY SNAKE = BABY SNAKES. That is the extent of my knowledge lol :-)
dtookey90 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 15:49:28
Me too lol it really is so confusing :-)
ptmbradley Posted - 13/06/2011 : 15:39:17
I don't think I will EVER get my head around morphs and what and what make what! Just utterly and completely!
dtookey90 Posted - 13/06/2011 : 15:21:55
Sorry the dad was hypo het amel stripe
I have been told by various breeders that ...
The stripe gene is recessive to the motley. People used to think motley was co dominant with the stripe gene you can be het for motley and you can be het for stripe but they are both recessive genes
And to anyone that's thinking ace was from the same clutch he wasn't sorry if I got people confused :-)
gmac Posted - 12/06/2011 : 18:26:03
Well he has got the parents wrong from amel het hypo x amel stripe you would get no normals at all. All babies would be amel het something or other unless there was matching hets but amel would still be in every morph produced.

something is not adding up with that clutch and the parents. Both parents were not amels.
dtookey90 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 18:16:43
I know that out of the clutch of 12 there were normal stripes, hypo stripes, amels, amel stripes amel motleys and normals and I have had two they are a very reliable breeder and I am going to stick with what she has told me, I have heard that motley and stripes being allergic as it were is just a myth as my friend has a motley out of a clucth from stripes
Mamma Posted - 12/06/2011 : 18:13:19
I have to agree with Gmac. Belly checkers means it isnt a motely xxx

EDIT: Romeo (1st pic below) is a true you can see his belly is pure white.
dtookey90 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 18:00:29
Thanks gmac :-) so do you know what that makes Luna my normal?
gmac Posted - 12/06/2011 : 17:49:12
From the parents it does seem to be amel het hypo stripe.
dtookey90 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 17:45:38
her dad was amel het hypo and mum was amel stripe her belly is very faint will get some pics up after she has shed but can someone explain this in a simple way for me :-)
gmac Posted - 12/06/2011 : 17:38:30
If there are belly checkers its not motley,

Also if it is motley it cant be het stripe,

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