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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vixyg Posted - 12/06/2011 : 12:18:14
Couple of pics of Chilli's house as stands at the moment. Any comments on improvements would be welcome :o) this is her first viv as the person i got her from had her in a RUB so Im hoping she likes it!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vixyg Posted - 12/06/2011 : 13:42:46
Thanks mort, i have made sure the water bowl isnt on the heated bit but will move it along a bit more. Ive got more foliage on order just waiting for it to arrive. thanks for your input. :o)
Vixyg Posted - 12/06/2011 : 13:39:36
Thanks, im gonna give the viv carpet a go for a while and see how we get on, i have 2 spare bits all cut to size so can just replace the dirty bit with a clean bit so dont have to wait for it to dry etc. And at the end where it doesnt look like theres a hide there is actually one in the foliage and she spent 3 whole days in that en so i think she likes that bit. i was thinking of a bigger branch that she can climb on and maybe a higher platform for her to climb up onto and some more plant stuff around the back maybe? or am i going ott now? lol
Mort13 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 13:35:25
Looking good,Chilli looks cosy in his hide. I myself would add an extra hide and some more foliage perhaps. I'd move the water bowl to the opposite end of the the heated end too.
tordyjo Posted - 12/06/2011 : 13:31:25
the viv i got came with viv carpet, but i'm planning to change it to aspen - not sure about the washing and disinfecting of it everytime he poops - you might be ok with that, i'd maybe put another hide in the other end too, although see what someone with more experience says.

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