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 Aura - Butter Stripe

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HannahB Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:06:13
so some new updated pics of our former non feeder..
not sure as to how much she weights cause have no scales to weight her on =/ but will get some new ones soon hopefully..
she's just hit 2.75ft long and is now on small mice (wahayy!).. in the pics she's either dulling down or blue so I'll have to get some post shed pics at some point

a close up of her stripe.. <3 it!

there's a head in there somewhere..

I thought she was going to force its inners out of its backside .. her first adult mouse.. yay! also this is about as 'blue' as she goes..

thanks for looking
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lucifer Posted - 12/06/2011 : 15:12:36
Still can't believe she was as small as this once upon a time:

Definitely was the hardest work ever to get a snake feeding, but worth every minute of it.
Mort13 Posted - 12/06/2011 : 13:42:34
Wow,what a beautiful snake. If these pics of her are when she's duller than normal then she must be a sight to behold freshly shed. Don't forget the post shed pics.
kdlang Posted - 11/06/2011 : 19:46:00
She is absolutely stunning. It's hard to imagine her being a non feeder looking at her now. She is a real credit to all the hard work you have put into her
reptiledanny Posted - 11/06/2011 : 19:31:54
Originally posted by HannahB

thanks everyone

@ Danny - sorry! haha but you know how it is with pretty snakes.. take your eye off em for a minute and they are gone!
@ Herriotfan - she definitely is worth it!

oh yes, and i think she is in better hands, there is now way i would have been able to do as good a job as you did with her not eating, even though i own royals lol
dtookey90 Posted - 11/06/2011 : 19:25:49
She is stunning :-)
scottishbluebird Posted - 11/06/2011 : 18:04:08
Really gorgeous!
SexyBear77 Posted - 11/06/2011 : 17:30:13
She's stunning, love the contrast in her colours, one of the nicest butter stripes I've seen!!
HannahB Posted - 11/06/2011 : 17:13:59
thanks everyone

@ Danny - sorry! haha but you know how it is with pretty snakes.. take your eye off em for a minute and they are gone!
@ Herriotfan - she definitely is worth it!
herriotfan Posted - 11/06/2011 : 16:11:59
Wow Hannah that's one really pretty girl you have there. She is stunning. Well done you on all your hard work with her.......certainly worth it!!
reptiledanny Posted - 11/06/2011 : 15:49:08
wow hannah, i remember the days when you had to cut up apinkie for her and hope she would feed, and now she is on small mice, shows how much she has come on, and with all those coils round she obviosly loves food now she is looking stunning even when in shed, and i still cant belive you managed to nab her just before me from sue
still very jelous very very stunning and you should be very proud of her
animalcrazy Posted - 11/06/2011 : 14:30:42
What a stunning girl she is, wonderful stripes.
Mamma Posted - 11/06/2011 : 12:01:14
Originally posted by HannahB

gotta say shes possibly my favourite in terms of colours but dont tell the others!

I wont say a word heehee
HannahB Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:56:45
gotta say shes possibly my favourite in terms of colours but dont tell the others!
monalisa70 Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:53:24
she is beautiful snake,nice pics
Mamma Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:42:31
she is one beautiful looking snake!
crazy JJ Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:29:13
she is looking good :) nice to see her and nice pics

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