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 Few pics of harry in deep blue

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tordyjo Posted - 11/06/2011 : 08:03:59
Harry in deep blue looking stunning but not as stunning as once he's shed

he's sitting on a takeaway drinks holder - he loves it, i've just made the holes slightly bigger for him
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tordyjo Posted - 14/06/2011 : 07:38:28
quick update, harry's just come out of blue, so i'm expecting a shed in the next couple of days - he's so secretive about it, so i'll either wake up to it or come in from work to find it
tordyjo Posted - 11/06/2011 : 17:20:26
i'll get some up once he's shed, i've noticed he's starting to get a yellowy colour up near his head which he never had, can't wait to see what thats like afterwards
herriotfan Posted - 11/06/2011 : 16:17:39
Originally posted by Mamma

fab pics! Remember and post pics once the shed has finished too!!

I'll second that, would like to see him all fresh and new looking!!
scottishbluebird Posted - 11/06/2011 : 15:52:16
Like it when they all shiny and new!
Mamma Posted - 11/06/2011 : 11:35:57
fab pics! Remember and post pics once the shed has finished too!!
HannahB Posted - 11/06/2011 : 10:09:45
aw hes like my mont.. love the dusty look
Mort13 Posted - 11/06/2011 : 09:26:42
Brill pics,he really does have the blues!

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