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 Platinums and Powders

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Adsclarke Posted - 21/05/2011 : 17:24:04
Hi all,

We have been lucky enough to hatch out some Platinums and Powders this year. I thought they probably deserved their own thread to consolidate the story.

We bred Powder X Platinum ph Amel this year and were fortunate enough to prove that the female platinum was het Amel.

Powders are really interesting, the combination of the 4 genes produces an almost pink and patternless hatchling.

They have little colour, are almost see through and present with very little pattern or belly checkers. They have an almost webbed pattern on the them.

Our experience is that they attract a little yellow as they get older, not much but a little in the neck and belly. Some more than others.

We're going to be excited to watch these for a while until they leave us for new homes.

First off out Adult male Powder:

Then the Mother Platinum:


Platinum and Powder will all be available for sale soon :)

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
crazy JJ Posted - 12/06/2011 : 23:53:03
those platinums are stunning :)
vetdebbie Posted - 12/06/2011 : 22:58:36
Originally posted by cattNmo

Ad by any chance are any of the platinums still looking for homes? Male or female. Have tried to send you a PM but no luck sorry


Yes we still have male platinums available. We have a for sale thread on another forum - I'm not sure if the link is allowed so mods please feel free to remove it if inappropriate!

If you are struggling with the PM's then you can email us via our website -

(By the way I am Ads other half :) )
MsThomson Posted - 12/06/2011 : 22:35:49
they are very pretty!
Newbie Posted - 12/06/2011 : 22:18:00
Awww they're gorgeous! Love the adult platinum female, the babies are beautiful
cattNmo Posted - 12/06/2011 : 20:58:09
Ad by any chance are any of the platinums still looking for homes? Male or female. Have tried to send you a PM but no luck sorry
scottishbluebird Posted - 12/06/2011 : 17:10:37
The mum is stunning, and all baby snake pics are adorable!
tordyjo Posted - 12/06/2011 : 15:27:14
they are all absolutely gorgeous, can't decide which i prefer, powder or platinum, core this corn snake stuff really is addictive
Adsclarke Posted - 12/06/2011 : 15:22:00
Hey all, Just a few updates on these guys now they are a good few feeds in:

Platinum male:

Powder female:

animalcrazy Posted - 24/05/2011 : 07:20:10
Your adults snakes and their berns are beautiful.
HannahB Posted - 23/05/2011 : 22:05:12
kdlang Posted - 22/05/2011 : 17:23:28
They are all gorgeous. The powders look like they are naked lol. I love the platinums, they have got gorgeous blue eyebrows
Ailsa Posted - 22/05/2011 : 13:53:46
Beautiful little hatchlings there!
Invalid User Posted - 22/05/2011 : 12:00:16
So pretty!
Adsclarke Posted - 22/05/2011 : 11:16:26
Thanks all :) We are really happy with this first clutch!

Here are a couple of pics of a female platinum after first shed and feed:

crazy JJ Posted - 22/05/2011 : 01:21:02
they are stunning :)
stotty01 Posted - 21/05/2011 : 22:24:29
Originally posted by lotabob

Awwwwwww, little noodles with faces. They are so cute. Must resist urge to buy a hatchie this spring.

dont come on this forum for a while then lovely plataniums :)
lotabob Posted - 21/05/2011 : 21:47:16
Awwwwwww, little noodles with faces. They are so cute. Must resist urge to buy a hatchie this spring.
Kehhlyr Posted - 21/05/2011 : 20:35:48
I notice that I'm at the head of the queue.
Mamma Posted - 21/05/2011 : 18:58:26
i love the powders! Nice!
Invalid User Posted - 21/05/2011 : 17:29:24
Gorgeous babies!

I really like the Platinums.

Congrats :D

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