T O P I C R E V I E W |
Tina |
Posted - 13/07/2012 : 04:07:51 My corn snake Ka wheezes when I handle him. The pet store believes he's two years old. He is an albino and aprox. 5 feet long. He's the tamest snake I've handled since my X lost my last one 5yrs ago. He wheezes only when I handle him and he seems to want to go everywhere and tangle himself all around everything. I believe that he might be stressed or exited. The exotic vet told me that it could be the wood chip substrate and suggested I change it to recycled paper (used for cat liter) but he loves to burry so much that I can't get myself to remove the substrate. He’s been eating very well and shed his first skin (since I bought him) this Monday. What could be causing this wheezing? When he is in his 80 gallons tank he doesn’t wheez. Anyone have any ideas? |
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Tina |
Posted - 15/07/2012 : 18:53:59 Thank you for your input it's much appreciated!
The substrate I use is derived form coconut I believe.
Tina |
lotabob |
Posted - 14/07/2012 : 21:43:58 If its only when being handled and the vet has given the all clear medically then its possible that the increase in breathing when all snakes are handled is just resulting in slight wheezing. This could be down to something as simple as slightly small nostrils, I used to work with a guy that used to drive me mad with his noisy breathing, nothing wrong with him he just breathed noisily through his nose.
You could try at the next clean out using paper towel for a few weeks as a temporary test, see if it improves but I would have thought the wood chip (beech?) is the least dusty of all the substrate with the exception of the paper towel, and use caution around cat litter, a lot have odour absorbers and chemicals in which is fine for cats that point their bum at it once or twice a day but not so good for something wriggling through it face first. |