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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tasha89 Posted - 12/07/2012 : 14:48:36

Was observing my eggs today and noticed that there was an egg that had split but the snake was not out of it at all, so i gently touched it wit some sterile tweezers and there was no movement. Think this one might have passed over to snakey heaven :( as i smelt it and it wasnt the most plesent of smells!! What do i do with this now? is it mormal for an egg to 'hatch' and the snake not come out and die? i had some like this last year but they hadnt hatched at all.

I also have another egg that hasnt hatched out the egg 'shell' has gone slightly see through and i can see i have an amel in there, what do i do with this one should i cut this open? Its been 3 days since the first ones started hatching so i think i should leave it longer before cutting the egg open...

Any help is much apreciated.
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Tasha89 Posted - 12/07/2012 : 16:22:22
Thats what i thought i was just interestd to know if it was a common thing or not just a shame for the lil snakey...but i have 14 healthy ones so far so thats good news!!
kev 5 Posted - 12/07/2012 : 15:50:32
once one of my eggs had a slit but the snake didn't hatch, i think it just happens sometimes
mkmattyk Posted - 12/07/2012 : 15:14:45
i havent had a snake die inside after its has pipped but i have had some go see through, and i just put it down to the eggs sweating before they hatch. i read somewhere on here that some do sweat before they hatch

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