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 Time to move up?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hanxa Posted - 11/07/2012 : 23:34:40

Managed to get this retreating shot of Aspen's stomach after his feed tonight (Shadow was too fast to snap). This is after two fluffs and there is next to no bump (plus the pair just scoffed them down)

Fluffs are probably only two-thirds of their body thickness at most now (and they are large fluffs) but small mice just seem far too big... Should I move them up next feed or keep at two fluffs for a couple more?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hanxa Posted - 12/07/2012 : 21:05:49
Originally posted by NexivRed

You do get some beautiful shots of your snakes :)

Thanks :D I do try

It is always daunting to move up sizes and smalls do look big compared to fuzzies/fluffs but I would say move up.
I moved Zeus to smalls when he weighed 41g, I just chose the smallest to try him with first, it looked huge but it went down no probs.
Good luck, but I'm sure it will all go well

They look HUGE compared to fluffs, but it took each of them less than a minute to scoff down the two fluffs. I was like this from pinkies to fluffs - just a little nervous about moving up sizes.

They are about 2ft long now though. >.> Must say, having mice in the freezer is funner than the fluffs and pinks :p
NexivRed Posted - 12/07/2012 : 20:31:56
You do get some beautiful shots of your snakes :)
Blackcat Posted - 12/07/2012 : 10:01:27
It is always daunting to move up sizes and smalls do look big compared to fuzzies/fluffs but I would say move up.
I moved Zeus to smalls when he weighed 41g, I just chose the smallest to try him with first, it looked huge but it went down no probs.
Good luck, but I'm sure it will all go well
Donnie Posted - 11/07/2012 : 23:46:20
It is hard to see a bump there so maybe time to move up. As long as the mouse is no bigger than 1.5 x the girth of your snakes they should be fine. Always a worry when you move up a size in feed but I am sure they will be fine.

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