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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hanxa Posted - 11/07/2012 : 23:31:44
So while I had the snakes out, I noticed this in Aspen's tail:

I hadn't noticed it before, but he moves so fast I don't get a good look at his tail. It became obvious today when he was still for a while.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hanxa Posted - 13/07/2012 : 21:48:13
Originally posted by smart bunny

Lol don't worry Hanxa, if you saw the evidence I'd say it was definite lol!

I had sudden images of... never mind >.> I'm getting myself all confuzzled now
smart bunny Posted - 13/07/2012 : 13:53:05
Lol don't worry Hanxa, if you saw the evidence I'd say it was definite lol!
Hanxa Posted - 13/07/2012 : 08:24:59
Originally posted by kdlang

Originally posted by Hanxa

Originally posted by kdlang

It does look like a kink. As far as I know they can be caused by injury, incubation problems or be genetic. Because of the possibility of it being genetic, kinked snakes should not be bred from. It shouldn't bother him too much where it is, just keep an eye on his sheds that they come off fully

I don't really plan to breed at any rate. Certainly not while I'm at uni etc. Just wouldn't have the time or funds, or snakes. Two boys won't get very far :p

Very sensible although don't bet on that last statement. There have been incidents of 2 'boys' mating lol

I've heard of popping having false female results (due to some males having stronger muscles or something), but having witnessed their popping a while back with both sets of hemipenes rather obvious when inverted I didn't think there could be an issue of there being a false result.

A little worried now that my boys may not be my boys >.>
kdlang Posted - 12/07/2012 : 21:48:39
Originally posted by Hanxa

Originally posted by kdlang

It does look like a kink. As far as I know they can be caused by injury, incubation problems or be genetic. Because of the possibility of it being genetic, kinked snakes should not be bred from. It shouldn't bother him too much where it is, just keep an eye on his sheds that they come off fully

I don't really plan to breed at any rate. Certainly not while I'm at uni etc. Just wouldn't have the time or funds, or snakes. Two boys won't get very far :p

Very sensible although don't bet on that last statement. There have been incidents of 2 'boys' mating lol
Hanxa Posted - 12/07/2012 : 21:09:08
Originally posted by kdlang

It does look like a kink. As far as I know they can be caused by injury, incubation problems or be genetic. Because of the possibility of it being genetic, kinked snakes should not be bred from. It shouldn't bother him too much where it is, just keep an eye on his sheds that they come off fully

He's always been the better shedder of the pair. I never saw it before now so was a little worried that he'd hurt himself somehow - he doesn't seem to notice at all if you touch his tail below the kink. dunno how he could have possibly injured himself so maybe it has been there all along.

I don't really plan to breed at any rate. Certainly not while I'm at uni etc. Just wouldn't have the time or funds, or snakes. Two boys won't get very far :p
stuart619 Posted - 12/07/2012 : 19:46:06
If it is below the vent then I doubt that there will be any issues... It just adds character
kdlang Posted - 12/07/2012 : 09:58:19
It does look like a kink. As far as I know they can be caused by injury, incubation problems or be genetic. Because of the possibility of it being genetic, kinked snakes should not be bred from. It shouldn't bother him too much where it is, just keep an eye on his sheds that they come off fully

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