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 Powerade bath

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QueenVic Posted - 08/07/2012 : 18:02:09
seen a few things about that say to put your corn snake in a powerade bath
now im just wondering why people do this...
The snake cant absorb anything through its scales or skin, and im guessing you dont want the snake to actually drink any of it?
Only thing I can think is that it would coat the snake in sugar and make it rather sticky, and no longer smell like a snake lol.

Just wanting the scientific side to this rather bizarre procedure
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a33272 Posted - 08/07/2012 : 19:42:40
the whole powerade bath to help non feeders etc is partly down to dehydration, the bath is a good way to re hydrate

have a look at these one is about the bath, an other is showing powerade being used orally.
stuart619 Posted - 08/07/2012 : 19:34:21
I think they absorb it through the vent and I think that they drink at the same time. I am sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong though. It is more the electrolytes that help rehydrate which aren't present in water.
QueenVic Posted - 08/07/2012 : 19:20:56
Originally posted by a33272

no its not something thats been made up. snakes can absorb through there skin to start just like us.

theres several products for reptiles that can be used by bathing them in the solution.

powerade contains electrolites an other stuff, which act like a pick me up. powerade baths had a write up in practical reptile keeping last year, an im also sure its been recommended by vets too as its known to be effective.

Oh i was under the impression that they do not absorb water through their skin, I didn't think they were porous.
Ive tried researching it but everyone seems to give different answers.

And i know its not made up I was just more interested in the science side as I couldnt figure out how it could work unless the snake was drinking the solution.
QueenVic Posted - 08/07/2012 : 19:16:25
Does this mean that snakes have porous skin then? because i was under the impression that they could not absorb anything through their skin/scales.

And surely, if they CAN absorb, then a bath of water should be sufficient to hydrate them..
stuart619 Posted - 08/07/2012 : 18:54:26
I have heard loads of experienced people recommend this method as a rehydration technique. It is not meant to be 100% powerade but can range from 25-75% powerade to water based on the level of dehydration.

The theory is that electrolytes will be absorbed by the snake aiding in rehydration.

I have never tried it myself but I know someone who has and who swears by it.
a33272 Posted - 08/07/2012 : 18:51:13
no its not something thats been made up. snakes can absorb through there skin to start just like us.

theres several products for reptiles that can be used by bathing them in the solution.

powerade contains electrolites an other stuff, which act like a pick me up. powerade baths had a write up in practical reptile keeping last year, an im also sure its been recommended by vets too as its known to be effective.

QueenVic Posted - 08/07/2012 : 18:22:55
Yeah thats what i thought.
When i first read it somewhere on here i thought they must be referring to a kind of snake product not the energy drink, which would have made much more sense.

lots of people seem to recommend it for non feeders, but know one seems to be able to explain WHY!
Im not gonna knock it too much incase someone can tell me the exact benefits of it, but it seems like utter madness to me at min.

I worry about some people, because they read something online and take it as truth.
And not only that, but they then pass on that advice without knowing the reasoning behind it.
343guiltyspark Posted - 08/07/2012 : 18:18:39
I don't know but it sounds a bit like a silly idea. Powerade might be bad for them if they drink it.

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