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 corn snake acting strange 2 days after feeding?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tukeetukee Posted - 26/06/2012 : 06:40:33
so i fed my (about) 2 month old amel corn snake 2 days ago, and he ate fine, but today, he is acting aggressive... he won't let me pick him up, he strikes at me and shakes his tail. He also slithers away very quickly... he has never been hurt, my hands are freshly washed.. he is fed and his tank is warm and he has plenty of water. He wasn't acting this way yesterday? Does anyone know what's up with him? *confused*
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tukeetukee Posted - 26/06/2012 : 16:28:38
When I said that the tank was warm, I just meant it's within range, due to his lamp. He has not shed since i've had him, so maybe it is time... i don't know how often they're supposed to shed? I'm still learning... i found this little guy on my back patio and i've never had a snake before. haha
smart bunny Posted - 26/06/2012 : 11:44:14
That was my thought too polarchick!
polarchick Posted - 26/06/2012 : 08:49:27
Maybe he's getting ready to shed? The first sign of my snake going into blue is that he gets very grumpy, a bit like snake PMT...

Georgina Posted - 26/06/2012 : 08:00:31
Could jsut be a feeling unsafe as he will still be digesting.

When you say is tank is warm? How do you mean?

Don't forget to post pics of your little fella

Donnie Posted - 26/06/2012 : 07:46:05
Just being a cornsnake by the sounds of it. They will be defensive at first until they get used to you. Just keep on handling for 5 mins a day to let him get used to you. No handling for 48 hours after feeding though.

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