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 My female wants out!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sw1fty84 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:39:15
My 4year old female has spent the day trying to get out of her viv!! She is going to have a sore nose soon if it carrys on.
The viv is clean and temp is perfect so i dont no whats up.

She has never been like this before.

Shed yesterday but hasnt eaten ether.

Gravid maybe??
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Sw1fty84 Posted - 26/06/2012 : 20:34:19
Yer will do ta.
smart bunny Posted - 26/06/2012 : 11:49:57
If you've been keeping a male and female together then you need to get onto the breeding section of the forum immediately, and start reading the stickies and other threads there about layboxes, eggs and incubators.
mkmattyk Posted - 26/06/2012 : 07:44:52
Vermiculite or moss
Sw1fty84 Posted - 26/06/2012 : 07:16:24
Ok I'll take him out again.
She has been ok again since I've put him back in like normal.
What do I put in a lay box? I've never really sure what substrate to use.
kev 5 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 23:29:07
as kdlang says if she's living with a male theres every chance she's gravid and the shed she has just had could be her pre lay shed meaning you've got between 7-14 days roughly before she lays
kdlang Posted - 25/06/2012 : 23:19:39
If she is living with a male then there is a good chance she is gravid and looking for a place to lay. You need to provide her with a laybox and ideally remove the male to allow her to lay in peace.
Sw1fty84 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:55:39
I tried taking the male out for a bit to see if she calmed down but it made her even worse!
Auld Baldy Posted - 25/06/2012 : 21:46:52
Probably just the seasonal mating hunt. Probably won't eat for several weeks either. Mine is on week 7 so far, last time was 4 months.
Nothing you can do about it.

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