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 do snakes snort?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ted89 Posted - 24/06/2012 : 22:19:21
i noticed a few times that my male albino seems to sometimes snort? he did it a few times yesterday when i was taking a photo of him, is this normal? you know like cartoon bulls, when theyre about to charge they do that snorty thing it sounds like that
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ted89 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 14:38:14
cool thanks guys that reasuring to hear :)
a33272 Posted - 25/06/2012 : 11:26:24
Prob just taking big breathes. I can hear both mine breathing through there noses when i get them out for a minute or so.
Spreebok Posted - 25/06/2012 : 10:51:21
They do huff occasionally, an adult anery I had used to huff at me if I was annoying him (usually chasing him about with food lol)
ted89 Posted - 24/06/2012 : 23:01:09
well im an asthmatic soi know weezing haha! it doesnt sound like weasing and it only happens every so often so ill just keep an eye on him more than usual :) thanks georgina :D
Georgina Posted - 24/06/2012 : 22:52:27
well if its snorting, like clearing his nose then thats all it should be. but if he start weezing then i would ring round this vets again im sure you will find one that has an interest in reptiles x
ted89 Posted - 24/06/2012 : 22:28:38
a RI was the first thing i thought of but i thought they only happened in a moist enviroment? the only moisture in the viv is the water bowl and thats placed pretty far away from the heat mat. vets in my area seem pretty useless tbh i tryed getting my 2 yearlings sexed and every vet i phoned said they'd have to 'read into it' so i never bothered phoning back
Georgina Posted - 24/06/2012 : 22:24:28
Some times if aspen get in their nose or if they have had a bad shed.

It could also be a sign of a RI, I would keep an eye and if it continues pop him to the vet for a check up xxx

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