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 Regurgitated Pinky! Advice Needed!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bam Posted - 22/06/2012 : 13:59:15
Hey guys, i fed my snake a Pinky last night and this morning i found he had regurgitated it, i have removed it and disinfected the viv.

I have handled the snake today and he seems fine, just his usual self, not nervous or anxious at all.

I have read that this can happen quite often, so im not too worried about the Snake.

After feeding in a separate RUB, to avoid and substrate being ingested, he was moved back into his viv, and was not handled afterwards. This is his second feed since being with me, and the first one went fine.

So... what do i do next? Should i leave him a couple of days before trying him with another pinky, or should i try him with one today?

Thanks in advance!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bam Posted - 27/06/2012 : 20:09:12
Originally posted by lotabob

If your setup is correct and the snake is not ill then it shouldn't really happen at all.

You can pretty much guarantee its temperature or stress related, most cases are. I had my corn regurge after buying a new hide, it loved it so much it went and sat in it all the time, unfortunatley it was in the cold end so digestion ground to a halt and he regurged. Moved the hide, problem solved.

Maybe that, i have got two hides in the viv one at the cool end, and one at the warm, but he doesn't really spend much time in either, he seems to prefer sitting on the plastic plant which runs the length of the back of the viv. He sits in a particular place on the plant, so i have moved it around so this spot is now in the warm end of the viv, low and behold he's now sitting in the warm end :) thanks for the advice, ill let you know how he gets on on Saturday when i attempt to feed again.
lotabob Posted - 23/06/2012 : 21:04:35
Originally posted by Bam

Hey guys, i fed my snake a Pinky last night and this morning i found he had regurgitated it, i have removed it and disinfected the viv.

I have handled the snake today and he seems fine, just his usual self, not nervous or anxious at all.

I have read that this can happen quite often, so im not too worried about the Snake.

After feeding in a separate RUB, to avoid and substrate being ingested, he was moved back into his viv, and was not handled afterwards. This is his second feed since being with me, and the first one went fine.

So... what do i do next? Should i leave him a couple of days before trying him with another pinky, or should i try him with one today?

Thanks in advance!

If your setup is correct and the snake is not ill then it shouldn't really happen at all.

You can pretty much guarantee its temperature or stress related, most cases are. I had my corn regurge after buying a new hide, it loved it so much it went and sat in it all the time, unfortunatley it was in the cold end so digestion ground to a halt and he regurged. Moved the hide, problem solved.
Bam Posted - 23/06/2012 : 18:54:15
Lovely, thanks all for the advice always welcomed. it was perhaps a little noisy my three year old was running around. I'll try and do it when he's in bed next time. I'll give it ten days rest and try again. Thanks all
Georgina Posted - 22/06/2012 : 20:46:02
yup no handling, especially if you havnt had him very long. xxx
Donnie Posted - 22/06/2012 : 19:39:17
If you read the post Auld put up it will give you everything you need, 10 days peace and quiet for snakey needed, only change water and NO handling. I have had a regurge with one of mine, double checked my husbandry did as the guide said and she fed fine after the 10 days and has not had an issue since.
MissSnakeHandler Posted - 22/06/2012 : 17:21:47
i agree leave for at least ten days before feeding him again, still handle him though ,gives the snake time to build his stomach acids up and gain hunger, ive only had 1 of mine do this and they only ever done it once!
zepplin had her mouse and then i smelt the worst smell ive ever smelt in my life!! i was looking round the house trying to find the cause looked in the viv and there was a half digested baby mouse!!! it was gross!! zepplin was still her normal self though and i didnt feed her for ten days and just kept an eye on her behaviour.

but she was fine and she hasnt ever regurged since so yeah leave ten days they attempt another feed :) x
Georgina Posted - 22/06/2012 : 14:39:42
Yup as stickied x

Leave for atleaset ten days with handling, only water changes, cover the viv if you can then offer a prey item smaller than normal, so for you a really small pinky or even just a head. The leave for a week with only water changes and feed a normal sized pinky.

There is always a reason for a regurge. What is your set up like, was there any loud music on, a lot of noise or a lot of people walking past.

It is normal in the sense that it happens but there is normally a reason x
Bam Posted - 22/06/2012 : 14:36:31
Originally posted by Auld Baldy

Sticky topic and advice on regurge:

Thanks, must of missed that.
Auld Baldy Posted - 22/06/2012 : 14:12:32
Sticky topic and advice on regurge:

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