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Tasha89 Posted - 20/05/2012 : 22:25:24

This is my female and as you can see she has 2 lumps in her tummy...she laid 22 eggs last Monday and since then she has eaten 2 large fluffs and she is just about to come up for a shed...i don't think these are eggs as they are a bit high in her body to be but just wanted a second assuming that if she is egg bound she wouldnt be eating and coming up for a shed?

Any help will be much apreciated and thanks in advance :D

20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tasha89 Posted - 27/06/2012 : 09:07:32
I froze the first one and then the next day she laid another egg so that one went in the freezer aswell.
mikerichards Posted - 23/06/2012 : 18:13:29
to be honest, i wouldnt bother, with the egg retained for that long, and as you cant see any signs of life from the candelling, you wont get anything other than a rotting egg, which doesnt smell too nice!!
It wont however have any effect on the other eggs, the fungus that will grow wont take over any of the good eggs, but its worth keeping it as far away from the others as possible, because the fungus can and will travel across vermiculite and perlite, so i guess it will travel on more or less anything!
Tasha89 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 14:45:21
Thats what i was thinking all the others are in the 'cooker' so its not going to be a big deal for just the one...and theres no harm in trying i supose
smart bunny Posted - 22/06/2012 : 12:28:30
Glad she's still OK :) Doesn't sound a lot of point incubating it it if was on it's own - but at the same time if you're going to be incubating the rest then it won't hurt to give it a try I'd have thought?
Tasha89 Posted - 22/06/2012 : 10:54:38
Hey guys just wanted to update everyone, i woke up to an egg this morning its a bit yellower than the others that she laid originally and i candeled it and there is no veins in it so think that one is out of the question for hatching. Bit of a releif for me as i though she was egg bound!!

Shal i incubate the egg and just see what happens or freeze it?
Tasha89 Posted - 21/06/2012 : 14:37:43
They are her secound clutch of eggs and thanks for letting me know about the post i have replied now.
mikerichards Posted - 19/06/2012 : 20:46:47
definately anery!
smart bunny Posted - 19/06/2012 : 18:25:39
Very long time for her to have held on to her eggs. Hope she is OK.

Also, this was posted for you but I doubt you'll have seen it
Tasha89 Posted - 19/06/2012 : 15:37:55
Just an update, valentinas lumps have all moved down to her vent, i am hoping this is good news
Tasha89 Posted - 12/06/2012 : 08:42:41
They arent hard at all to touch, the reptile vet i spoke to said that if they were moving that they would be ok, should i take her back as she is fine in herself and touching the lumos gives her no pain and she did double clutch last year?
Sta~ple Posted - 11/06/2012 : 19:53:42
I would still be worried that the lumps are still there, even if they have moved a tad...Infile eggs can harden, very hard as in feel as hard as stone! Egg bound snakes can also eat.
Tasha89 Posted - 11/06/2012 : 14:03:24
No she only had the 2 lumps after 2 weeks from laying her first batch...the 2 original lumps have moved down 2 sadles from 2 weeks ago and theres a few extra lumps. She did double cluch last year.
lotabob Posted - 11/06/2012 : 13:05:43
So she is double clutching and developing a second set of eggs with 2 eggs still stuck from the last clutch?
Tasha89 Posted - 11/06/2012 : 11:21:43
Hi everyone just an update, so 2 weeks following these lumps that i have found i have been keeping an eye on her, the 'lumps' have moved from her 25th and 26th sadle down to her 28th and 29th sadle (good news!!) however i went to the reptile shop and spoke to the guy who owns it who is very experienced with breeding and the problems that may happen from this and he advised that these eggs/lumps needs to be moved out of her and gave me some advice as to do this...i got her home and my friends got her out and noticed that she is a bit lumpy all the way down her bottom half...spoke to the guy at the shop again and me, my friends and him agreed that this could be her secound batch of eggs (as she laid a secound clutch last year) as she has been eating and pooping fine and has also put a lot of weight on very quickly...things may be looking up but will be keeping a close eye on her.
Tasha89 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 20:45:15
Yeah it did i was quite worried, i care for my snakies as i would if i had kids lol!!
a33272 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 19:44:55
Good good. Hope that a calmed you down abit
Tasha89 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 19:09:26
Right i have spoken to a reptile vet and he didn't seem to think this was to much to worry about (as in rushing her down to the vets straight away) he advised that it might be something to do with her digestive system and that it will be going through a lot at the moment being her loosing weight and trying to put it back on and something about her loosing a lot of fat at once (he used ore better words than this but i think that's the jist of it lol) he said to bath her which i have done and if the lumps have not moved by the end of the week to bring her in for an x-ray. It seemed like she wanted to go 'to the ladies room' in the bath but didn't, i massaged her vent so hopefully that will work soon.

On doing all of the above she was very active and alert to the point where she found an escape route out of the bath and then tested my patience (bless her)she still in blue but seemed very happy so im hoping that's good.

Think i am just going to keep a close eye on her and see how she goes, if in still concerned by thursday im going to book her in to see lovely 'mr vet' on Saturday :D she going to love me!! lol
Tasha89 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 14:45:37
She only laid the eggs Monday last week i bred her late this year, but shes laid, ate and in shed so i doubt it because shes egg bound. The lumps are about midway down her body miles away from her vent which is why i think its food and not eggs but i can just see it more as she lost a bit of weight maybe?
a33272 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 14:01:57
I be surprised if she could become egg bound at this stage. Might be worth giving her a warm bath an making sure she goes into the warm hide to help digestion. How high up are the lumps
Tasha89 Posted - 21/05/2012 : 13:37:09
About the same really, i didnt notice them beforr feeding her i only noticed them yesterday which was the next time i looked at her after feeding. As i said before she is in a shed cycle at the mo and has not popped yet.

Im assuming that if she was egg bound she would not be shedding or feeding?

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