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T O P I C    R E V I E W
matt4692 Posted - 18/04/2012 : 11:04:51
I feed my snake yesterday two pinkies and that was the first time for her, I made sure the temp was right and we stayed away from her except to check on her, and iv come down this morning and she has thrown up one off the pinkies? Is that because it was to much for her?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
smart bunny Posted - 18/04/2012 : 17:59:49
As Tordyjo said you should always wait 10 days after a regurge to allow the stomach acids to replenish, not 7. I know it must be hard for you, but try not to worry too much, just leave her to settle in and just change water, then try 1 pinky after 10 days, then leave at least another 2 days before handling. Good luck :)
matt4692 Posted - 18/04/2012 : 14:52:52
Yh I took her back to the shop because she regured the other pinky :/ and they said wait another 7 days, and just try her on one because two was proberbly to much for her and the stress of removing the first regured pinky proberbly made her throw the other one back up, so fingers crossed she is ok on her next feed.
tordyjo Posted - 18/04/2012 : 12:53:44
usually you would wait 7 days before feeding as the snake is still settling in which can be a stressful period - stress can lead to regurge. Try not to worry too much, leave her the 10 days before the next feed and if she can't handle 2 pinks, maybe try 1 pink every 5 days until she's big enough to move onto fuzzy's
matt4692 Posted - 18/04/2012 : 11:47:31
Yh im not to sure on weight because I only got her Sunday but the pet shop has bin feeding her one pinky every 7 days for 18 weeks on the feeding sheet, and I havnt had chance to measure her because I dont want to over stress her, but she is roughly about under 1f, I mean the other pinky is still showing in her stomach and she seems fine but im just worried about it cuz its my first snake.
tordyjo Posted - 18/04/2012 : 11:35:38
possibly, if everything else was ok with regards to temps and not handling, make sure you give her 10 days before feeding again to allow the stomach acids to balance out again and then try her with just 1 again. How big is, how much does she weigh, how long has she been on single pinky's, My hatchie currently weighs 21g and has done since oct but she has only been feeding on 1 pinkky a week - refusing 2, i gave her her first fuzzy this week which she managed - some move straight onto fuzzy's without taking double pinks.

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