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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ninja Girl Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:45:40
My two snakes zane and Ether mean the world to me
Zane is younger than Ether
Ether (Female) was born on the 5th of August 2011 and Zane (Male) was born on the 7th august 2011,
Im worried about Ether cuz she isnt growing as much as Zane and im not sure if that is normal, i think she is too small for her age but im not sure if that is a normal thing or if i need to go and see someone about it
Many thanks x
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mort13 Posted - 19/04/2012 : 12:14:05
Yep,totally normal My Carolina is huge compared to my Hypo Plasma
lupi lou Posted - 16/04/2012 : 15:11:54
like it has been said they all grow at differnt rates, there is quite a lot of size differnce between 8 and his sibblings.
Georgina Posted - 16/04/2012 : 00:50:52
morph, clutch, sex, how regular you feed, (unless power feeding) they all grow at the rate they grow, which is always different one snake to the next.
ashby_steve Posted - 15/04/2012 : 22:38:36
i heard it was different morphs, the normals apparently grow the fastest
and everything further from normal grows slower, and stops at a smaller size

this is coming from my the bloke the runs a rep shop near me, dunno how true it is?
sounds logical though as other morphs are made with different breeding techs etc?
Ninja Girl Posted - 15/04/2012 : 15:56:22
I was going to get a snowey but then i changed my mind lol, Beautiful snakes btw, yeah i guess snakes grow at their own pace x
sue2012 Posted - 14/04/2012 : 23:47:48
my snow hatched the 14th aug 2011 and is tiny compared to both of your corns she is still eating 2 pinkies but is very healthy and happy
Ninja Girl Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:55:43
ok, thanks so much, I was just abit worried but im ok now, thanks for the help :)
kev 5 Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:52:30
agree with georgina,all snakes grow at different rates
Ninja Girl Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:52:16
ok thanks :-)
Georgina Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:48:23
it is perfectlu normal. they all grow at different rates. x

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