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 Flakey skin

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cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 15:13:27
Just a quickie..not sure if its already been covered..apols if it has

My corn has not gone through the shed process lately...IE milk etc.. but i have noticed it looks like it is starting to shed from the top of his head...theres some white flakey scales...looks like someone peeling after too much sun... hes been like that a couple of weeks it a sign of shedding startin or a health issue?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lotabob Posted - 15/04/2012 : 01:05:54
Yeah something like that won't affect him at all, its the scales just doing their job, taking the damage saving the softer squishy bits inside from getting hurt.
cheekygit Posted - 15/04/2012 : 00:52:46
hmmm...nothing in the viv has changed...theres chip substrate and bark logs. unless hes gettin a bit big to go under his hidey hole...bark log...will check it out and also see how he looks after his next shed...other than that, hes doin ok...eating..moving about and lively enuf
lotabob Posted - 14/04/2012 : 21:24:34
Yeah that's not shed related. it looks a bit like but more extensive than scale damage my corn got when he got his head stuck in an air hole and ragged it back out. Its not open wounds or anything so I would say it should shed out with no issues but have a good look at your vivarium for either something abrasive that he is squeezing under or a hole not quite big enough for him any more.
a33272 Posted - 14/04/2012 : 20:55:14
Looks like he's been rubingit on something rough in his viv does he have anything he likes to crawl under in his viv?
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:22:03
done nothing yet... wary about bathing as not a clue which is best way and don't want to stress him out
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:21:10
doesn't look like it to me either..hence this post...should i be worried? is there anything i am doing wrong? there something i should do?
Georgina Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:20:46
have you tried a luke warm bath x
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:19:51 are large..sorry about that... slide to the right to see them all :) <for the newbies> :)
ScalySituation Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:16:43
hmmm doesnt look like shed 2 me
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 19:13:45
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 18:57:46
yeah...uploading pics to photobucket and my memory geeez

kellogs last shed around end of dec beginin og Jan
Georgina Posted - 14/04/2012 : 18:52:58
try this
cheekygit Posted - 14/04/2012 : 18:50:26
ok..been awhile...i have took pics and got them on my comp...HOW do i get them into a post on here?
a33272 Posted - 14/04/2012 : 15:38:13
Has he actually shed?
lotabob Posted - 14/04/2012 : 15:33:47
Could you post a picture of it?

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