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 Small beetle things in water bowl

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Slkellyhell Posted - 10/04/2012 : 20:53:16
About a week ago i found a single beetle like insect in the water bowl, tiny thing, took it out and thought little else of it. Was due to clean the viv out yesterday so i did so, fully emptied and washed out, put a new bag of hemp substrate in and my corn happily explored her new layout.
Woke up today however and found 2 more small beetles in her water bowl, took them out, and have a picture for anyone clued up on insects, its a bit blurry, used a macro setting but theyre really tiny. Any help and advice is welcome!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lozzy Posted - 19/07/2012 : 11:00:31
Do you have any live food for other reptiles, they look kind of look a little like the bugs that i sometimes get with my crickets? I'm not an expert, just a suggestion :)
Jenn Posted - 19/07/2012 : 02:48:27
Happy to have hard wood!
williamwallsend Posted - 18/07/2012 : 21:48:44
Corns7 Posted - 10/04/2012 : 21:48:46
Awh, haha, you do that!
Slkellyhell Posted - 10/04/2012 : 21:36:14
They have the same markings as a carpet beetle, and ive checked over my snake several times and theres no signs of mites.

And i done a full clean of the viv yesterday, so its either something in the substrate or much more likely now that i have knowledge, beetles from my carpet :p
Guess ill go get the vacuum
Corns7 Posted - 10/04/2012 : 21:11:10
It's is carpet beetle season and they are attracted to the viv because of the heat. But these look a bit like mites what you should do is clean the RUB disinfect everything and lay in kitchen towel instead of bedding so you can see if there are any mites there but obviously put in hides water bowl etc.. If they keep coming back hen a get special treatment. Thanks, Jamie

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