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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CharBar Posted - 08/04/2012 : 13:52:41
My corn snake hasn't eaten for 4 weeks. I've only had her a week but the previous owner said shes already shed and still aint eating. Ive tried on pinkies.. which are way to small for her but i just wanted to see if she would eat it and she never. I've tried to cut open the mouse so its bleeding, tried leaving it in the tank over night, made sure the tank was nice and warm.. she just wont eat. I thought it was because shes come to new owners but she hasnt eaten before that. but she keeps going a poo all the time but she hasnt eaten.. can anyone help?

Also her scales underneath look like they're pealing, but she was supposed to have shed a few weeks ago according to previous owner. i dont know why her skin has gone like that?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ScalySituation Posted - 08/04/2012 : 18:11:47
yeh, what she said :P
Georgina Posted - 08/04/2012 : 14:11:38
Ok, what are you temps like, what is your set up. Age weight and length of the snake. Can we have pics of the scale.

A new snake, of any age, should be given a week to settle, with out feeding and hadling.

If a pinkie is far to small I doubt the snake will eat it as they do not see it as prey. And will wait for something bigger to come along.

And extra details/photos are all helpful x

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