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 suggestion on feeding

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Raycheroo Posted - 03/04/2012 : 07:54:36
Right so recently we have given Pablo 3 pinkies as 2 wasn't doing much....
Now he just seems to gooble them down and within 2 seconds there gone....not much bulge either.....should I move to fluffs now? I really don't want to hurt him lol
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Posted - 03/04/2012 : 20:45:35
When I first put Suki onto fluffs I was worried by the size of it compared to her but apart from it taking her longer to swallow (tense time for me) it was all good. I pit some pics on here of her having it and if you look at the last 2 pics of her you can see the fluff just passed her head and how much she was stretched by and in the last pic how thin she is normally behind the head.
coxymk2 Posted - 03/04/2012 : 19:14:16
My local petshop fuzzies vary a lot in size so get a chance to choose what i want. Worth asking to see if you can get some smaller fuzzies if you worried about being too big.
Raycheroo Posted - 03/04/2012 : 18:58:42
We did that under the advisement of our breeder....but yeah shall move up
Mamma Posted - 03/04/2012 : 11:17:32
Agree with the others. I never feed more than 2 prey items at a time. I up the feed size too xx
tordyjo Posted - 03/04/2012 : 10:24:50
yep another one here for moving up to fuzzy's, usual rule is the prey should be no more than 1.5 x the widest part of the snake, they'll worry about getting it in
claire_daz Posted - 03/04/2012 : 09:27:31
you will be surprised at what they can get in

Georgina Posted - 03/04/2012 : 08:35:25
Yup move up, 3 food items is a bit much. He will be fine, if he can eat it he will spit it out, but if 3 pinkies isn't leaving a bulge he's big enough x
Simmy_82 Posted - 03/04/2012 : 08:33:27
Yeah Deffo move up. 3 pinkys is a lot. Fuzzies would be better.

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