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 Dark scales on my snow corn

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emodragonfly Posted - 01/04/2012 : 07:30:12

I was looking at my snake tonight and noticed that he has a scattering of brown scales on his normally white/pink body. I just recently changed his home to have a bit more water, and so it's kinda moist. He spends a lot of time inside his moss filled house though or under the plastic plant under the red lamp. I was wondering what the spots could be? He looks like he is getting ready to shed soon and he eats just fine, and poops just fine... it's just the scales that are kinda weird.

all I've got to take picks with in my cell phone and the picks are crap.

Basically it looks like dirt or something under his scales, and some look like little scabs.
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smart bunny Posted - 05/04/2012 : 11:19:21
Sounds like things are improving - hope he's fully recovered soon :)
emodragonfly Posted - 05/04/2012 : 08:14:02
Update: Given pumpkin ( my snake) 3, 30min soaks in the betadine/water solution. He had a nasty shed today, soaked him in shed ease, and helped him finish shedding ( first time doing that, was really nervous about hurting him, but I was really gentle). His scales are looking mich nicer now, the dark scales are way lighter and almost gone. I will soak him a few more times and keep him in dry quarters ( no substrate) until he is 100% better. I am noticing that he is getting a tinge of color from the soaks, that will go away right? Also, fed him his first fuzzy today, was as nervous as I was the first time I gave him a pinky... it's amazing how they don't choke. Thank you everyone for all the help. I will keep you updated.
emodragonfly Posted - 03/04/2012 : 01:20:14
I have the betadine, will that work? I can wash and add some of the other plants as well as change the bedding to paper towels. what brand/type of Digital Thermometer / Hygrometer do you suggest?
lotabob Posted - 02/04/2012 : 22:39:29
Tamodine just the once, wipe snakey down with it to clean off any mould, bacteria and fungi then keep him dry. Clinically clean and I would use kitchen roll rather than newspaper due to ink transfer blackening your white corn. The tank you have is obviously holding in too much humidity, so no spraying, misting, a small water bowl and its too open and empty to keep snakey happy so stick some artificial foliage in for cover.

There is a different between thermometers and thermostats, all heat sources need a stat to control the temperature but you need some good accurate thermometers to read the temperature. Stick on ones are useless so digital thermometers are best. Might be worth investing in a hygrometer too to get a handle on the humidity in there.

The floor MUST be kept clean and dry.
emodragonfly Posted - 02/04/2012 : 21:39:29
I have one of those too. It's connected to my lights, so if it gets too hot then they turn off. I normally keep my room on the cooler side because i like to be cold when i sleep so things stay pretty nice in there.
kdlang Posted - 02/04/2012 : 17:31:08
Thats good then that he can't get to the bulb. While your going to get some more thermometers, you really want the digital ones that have a probe. They are much more accurate than stick on ones and you can fasten the probes for the thermometer and thermostat together to make sure corny doesnt get too hot.
emodragonfly Posted - 02/04/2012 : 15:25:29
I normally have ones that stick to the walls, but the sticky fell off and i was going to hit the store to get more to stick them on today. No the bulb is a good few inches away from the screen top, and the part that comes closest to the bulb is away from where he lays.
kdlang Posted - 02/04/2012 : 08:06:45
To be quite honest I'm not fully up on scale rot as it's not something I have ever had to deal with. That is if it is scale rot. It still may not be. I think the best thing would be for you to see a vet with him before trying anything. That way you are certain you are doing the right thing.

Just one more thing I am thinking. Do you have any thermometers in your tank to check temperatures, particularly in the place where he is in the hammock? Also, is he able to come into contact with the bulb? Just wondering if it could be burns rather than scale rot.
emodragonfly Posted - 02/04/2012 : 05:02:27
I'm on my way to buy the betadine solution, but how do i use it. Do i use it straight, add water? how much, how long do I soak, how often? I am also going out to buy triple antibiotic ointment ...without the pain killers, I think I'm going to get the neosporin no pain killers. will this work? how do I apply it to pumpkin? should I wait until he sheds?

I'm really anxious and have to do something, that's why I'm going out at 11pm to get these things. I really love my baby and i want him better...
emodragonfly Posted - 02/04/2012 : 04:29:44
This is what his tank looks like right now. I didn't take a picture of what it looked like before I cleaned it out.
emodragonfly Posted - 02/04/2012 : 04:25:07
He is in a 30gal. He had aspen, colored aspen, and coconut bark bedding, which was sopping wet. There was a water fall in his tank off in the corner under a spot light. A bird house I filled with moss- which he loved, always hiding in there. a standing plant, a jungle vine that went around the tank. Under his red light I had two suction cup plants, one in his hammic right under the light, and one under it. A climbing branch from before was in there too. I had two potter bottoms ( as water dishes) with one having a half log hid over it and another a tiny broken pot hide. He has two heat pads under the tank, one for the 30gal that is on the side with his red light, and one for a 10gal on the side with the spot light. I have normal fish tank white light in the middle to help light it up.

Right now, I have his standing plant leading up to his hammic under the red light with the half log hide by it. A small potter bottom ( water dish) in the center and the half pot hide on the other side under the spot light all on news paper bedding.

I have had pumpkin for about 6 or more months. He has gone from his tiny fish tank 20gal high to his forever home the 30gal.

I have already taken everything out rised all the stuff off and disinfected his tank, whipped it out and put the paper down. Now he has basics in there. Right now all he is doing in hanging under his red lamp, which is normal for him. I put his hammic back in so he would stay out of the ridge around the lip on the tank.
kdlang Posted - 01/04/2012 : 22:10:37
What kind of enclosure is he in? If it's a wooden viv then it is probably going to take a few days to dry out so you may need to set him up in a RUB temporarily. It is a good idea to put him on newspaper or kitchen roll until we have more of an idea what it is. If it's a glass or plastic tank then you should be ok just to give it a thorough disinfect with reptile safe disinfectant and allow it to fully dry. Make sure any accessories you put in a dry too. If you don't have any other hides, then some cardboard boxes will do.

If you can tell us exactly how you have had your set-up then we can help you make the amendments needed that will help her. How long have you had her for?

Just wanted to say as well, welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place for help as everyone here is really nice.
Casta Posted - 01/04/2012 : 22:08:30
if hes due a shed then maybe just empty his viv of substrate and keep him on kitchen roll after cleaning it. keep it as dry as possible. a shed hopefully would help?? a couple of mine have had grazes and lifted scales. they shed and a lot better now.
emodragonfly Posted - 01/04/2012 : 19:24:13

Here are the best pics I could get of the spots. I'm cleaning the cage out now and everything is sopping wet and smells like rotten eggs.

Please tell me how to help my baby!!!
emodragonfly Posted - 01/04/2012 : 18:55:22
Hi. if his home is too wet he can get scale rot? It's looks like weird freckles on his snowy body. I let a friend watch him while I was away and she soaked everything. I think that if that is the case, and the description matches then that's what it might be.

Question: If I clean up the cage and put it to the basics, with news paper/paper towels until it's gone will it go away or is there something I need to do? His eyes were milky last night so he's going to shed soon, should I wait or is there something I need to put on him now?
kdlang Posted - 01/04/2012 : 14:02:35
Hi, if you can give us more information about your corn and it's set-up then that would realy help. Please try and take some pics of the problem and your set-up as we may spot something that could help even if the pics aren't great.

As said above, corns don't really need a moist environment. It's possible that your snake is suffering from scale rot however this is just a guess ithout you rpoviding more information so don't panic yet
smart bunny Posted - 01/04/2012 : 08:27:13
Umm, why does he have a moss hide? If you've just put it in because you think he's going to shed that's fine, but they shouldn't have a damp hide all the time, corns don't like things too damp and it can cause them respiratory problems or scale rot.
Donnie Posted - 01/04/2012 : 07:43:16
Hi, some pics will be helpful.

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