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cobweb251 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:03:46
I was wondering if its healthier for the snake to strike for his food or me to lay it down in a seperate container with him and let him find it. doesnt seem to put him off eating it. dont want to make him aggressive but dont want to be unhealthy either :) any advise would be apreciated.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lotabob Posted - 23/03/2012 : 23:09:45
It makes no difference whether they strike or not, either way the food goes in. Snakes are instinctual strikers. I actually do both for Spot, I will lay scent trails for him to follow and hide the mouse under a pot and let him hunt it down or I'll jiggle the mouse for him, I suppose either way is only entertaining for me, Spot just wants to eat.
Lili Posted - 23/03/2012 : 19:34:31
The first few feeds with Boots I just let her find the mouse but recently I've been moving the mice aroud with tongs and she strikes, she just seems much more enthusiastic about her food that way so I do it all the time. Nutritionally its the same food so I assume health wise there would be no difference unless you where trying to encourage a snake who wasn't feeding I don't think what exactly you do with thier food makes a difference.
lupi lou Posted - 23/03/2012 : 19:18:08
don't think it makes any difference, 8 dosen't strike at the minute but i am sure he will once he gets older, one of his sibblings on the other hand strikes almost every time. if their happily eating thats good enough for me!
cobweb251 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 18:32:03
Understood. But is it healthier for the snake to be striking or just eat it without striking?
Corns7 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:25:02
Hi! I hold the fuzzie by its tail and dangle it near the snake until she smells it and strikes or if she Doesent strike then she just opens her mouth and starts to eat it down!

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