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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leedxmg Posted - 23/03/2012 : 16:42:04
Hi, I've recently bought my first snake, a Carolina corn yearling. For the first few days of keeping all seemed well with him.. Very active, inquisitive and loved being handled. However, after feeding him his first pinkie he has been acting very strangely.. Now he seems to spend almost all of his time behind his water bowl on the colder side of his tank in a defensive sort of position. Also, when I now go to pick him up he gets very flighty and wants to run away or get back into his tank when I do take him out! I fed him on Monday and it is now Friday so it can't be because of bad digestion! Any advice would be greatly appreiciated!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Leedxmg Posted - 29/03/2012 : 16:23:18
Haha good I though it might have been because he was nervous or scared :)
nickyff Posted - 29/03/2012 : 12:46:23
one of my bigger ones tried to burrow into a plantpot last week, while out for playtime. the compost made her sneeze. but then she isnt the brightest spark.......
Donnie Posted - 28/03/2012 : 22:41:11
Originally posted by Leedxmg

Do corn snakes tend to dig alot aswell? He seems to like to dig?

Yes, both of mine love to burrow in the aspen.
Leedxmg Posted - 28/03/2012 : 21:46:35
Do corn snakes tend to dig alot aswell? He seems to like to dig?
kev 5 Posted - 28/03/2012 : 19:50:47
welcome to the forum
mikeyd_26 Posted - 28/03/2012 : 00:36:06
hello and welcome to the forum, dnt worry too much your new snake is probably getting used to its new surroundings
and will likely be more active in time :)
claire_daz Posted - 27/03/2012 : 23:33:29
smart bunny Posted - 24/03/2012 : 12:09:28
Oh - and welcome to the forum! :)
Leedxmg Posted - 24/03/2012 : 12:01:31
I have thanks for the help! :)
smart bunny Posted - 24/03/2012 : 11:48:19
Also it is essential you don't handle or disturb at all for a while after feeding (normally advised 2 days) as this can cause them to regurge. Have a read of the sticky posts at the top of the forums, especially the setup and the 'I've got my 1st corn' ones to make sure you are clued up on everything.
Corns7 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:36:35
That must be the reason then. No problem, if you ever have a quiry or problem then ask here, there is plenty of professional advice on hand!
Leedxmg Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:32:45
Yeah the second day I had him, I think that's probably it.. I'll leave him for a while and keep an eye on him :) thanks for the welcome :)
Corns7 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 17:28:30
Did you handle him the first few days you had him? If so you should leave them for a week to settle in. What's the tempriture on the hot side? If its too hot it can lead to uncomftableness and burns for you snake. Not sure why he I so defensive but they can change moods from day to day.
Welcome to the forum

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