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 fudge hasn't eaten for 6 months!!!!!!!!

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Kittypuss85 Posted - 21/03/2012 : 13:23:58
Hi all,

Fudge is a butter stripe corn and is 6 months old.

We bought him at the Chemsford expo in september, set him up in the normal way and tried to feed him a week later and he refused it.

After 2 months of not feeding, we took him to a reptile shop to see if they could get him to feed, but as much as they tried fudge either refused it or regurged it.

The shop want me to go there to discuss options and the only thing I can think of is putting him to sleep.

Would it be worth taking him to a vets or should I consider putting him down?

Obviously, I want whats best for him and I would make that decision if it needed.

Any advice?
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eeji Posted - 28/03/2012 : 21:12:37
RIP Fudge :(

I've had the same thing here, got snakes that have been perfect feeders from reputable breeders then had them refuse for a very long time. The green patch is due to the gall bladder leaking after a snake dies (not the cause), its a common thing to see.
Corns7 Posted - 26/03/2012 : 12:33:09
sorry for your loss, you tried everything and thats all that counts.
manda88 Posted - 26/03/2012 : 12:07:51
So sorry to hear it guys We all know you did the very best you could for him, to be honest I'm amazed he lasted this long as I gather he was still only a hatchling?
On the plus side, I got your email with the pics of Lola, she's looking fantastic! She's still stunningly gorgeous!
Sta~ple Posted - 25/03/2012 : 12:18:13
Originally posted by Kittypuss85

just to let everyone know, fudge died on thursday evening. he had a kidney problem which prevented him from taking the nutrients from the pinky that he needed. if you turned him over, the dark spot where his kidney is was green. if you see that on your snakes then get it checked. thanks for all your advice.

I think lots of snakes get that patch when they die though?

Sorry for your loss.
sue2012 Posted - 25/03/2012 : 00:31:36
how sad for u least he had a family that tried everything they could for him xx
nickyff Posted - 24/03/2012 : 22:00:26
oh how sad- what a shame.
at least you know what the problem was, so could spot same or similar if you get another titchy in the future, I suppose.
I had a hatchie last year that regurged repeatedly, never pooed and then died- he had a huge dark patch under his tummy behind his vent that was hard. I didn't get a professional opinion but common sense/logic said he had trouble passing the small amount of food that he did manage to keep down.

Sadly I think congenital problems with digestion are not uncommon, but are almost impossible to predict.

so sorry for your loss
smart bunny Posted - 24/03/2012 : 21:17:55
I'm so sorry for your loss, you did everything you could xx
lotabob Posted - 24/03/2012 : 20:33:16
You tried everything. Unfortunately some hatchlings are born with defects that no matter how hard you try they cant be overcome. I'm sure even with not eating that it didn't suffer.
marc_sg Posted - 24/03/2012 : 20:05:03
sorry to hear that. rip lil one.

cheers for the heads up on what to look out for aswell.
Donnie Posted - 24/03/2012 : 19:50:52
Sorry to hear of your loss
Kittypuss85 Posted - 24/03/2012 : 19:19:32
thanks guys. it was probably something he was born with so he didn't stand a chance. i never once gave up on him.
lupi lou Posted - 24/03/2012 : 18:56:25
sorry to hear that.
tordyjo Posted - 24/03/2012 : 17:03:22
am sorry to hear that, he was lucky to have an owner like you who tried everything they could for him RIP little one
Okeetee Mick Posted - 24/03/2012 : 15:46:31
Very sorry to hear that
scottishbluebird Posted - 24/03/2012 : 15:46:02
so sorry to hear that, so glad that you did try as hard as you did xxx
Kittypuss85 Posted - 24/03/2012 : 15:33:36
just to let everyone know, fudge died on thursday evening. he had a kidney problem which prevented him from taking the nutrients from the pinky that he needed. if you turned him over, the dark spot where his kidney is was green. if you see that on your snakes then get it checked. thanks for all your advice.
manda88 Posted - 23/03/2012 : 09:20:21
No I didn't get it weird though cos I did receive one from another member a while ago and that worked fine....unless I gave him my email address, I don't remember haha.
Send me an email -
scottishbluebird Posted - 23/03/2012 : 01:09:27
Originally posted by Kittypuss85

Originally posted by manda88

Most reptile shops will have chicks in store, or would be able to source some for you. Before offering the thigh itself I'd try smearing some chick juices on a pinkie, and then if that doesn't work then offer the chick thigh
How's little Lola getting on? I'd love to see an updated pic of her if you have one!

Hiya, I've tried to email you through here - but dont know if it worked or not? Let me know if you got it.

Emails through the forum dont work, need to email person direct
Kittypuss85 Posted - 22/03/2012 : 20:58:36
Originally posted by manda88

Most reptile shops will have chicks in store, or would be able to source some for you. Before offering the thigh itself I'd try smearing some chick juices on a pinkie, and then if that doesn't work then offer the chick thigh
How's little Lola getting on? I'd love to see an updated pic of her if you have one!

Hiya, I've tried to email you through here - but dont know if it worked or not? Let me know if you got it.

Kittypuss85 Posted - 22/03/2012 : 20:52:44
Originally posted by Sta~ple

As in starting to eat pinky and spitting it out or ate pinky completely then regurged?

That I don't know, but I will find out when I pick him up.

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