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 Strange Head Dancing!

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darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 15:26:20
The second time ive got myst out and shes been doing a funky head dance! any ideas what kind of behavior this is?

Video link here >
20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Spreebok Posted - 23/03/2012 : 14:22:29
Ppppfttt, if that's stargazer, half of mine have it!
As others have said, nothing to worry about! Most of mine have a little wiggle when I take them outside or in sunlight, Lister used to do it when she smelt something interesting, but she appears to have grown out of it. The squiggly tail is from the effort they're excerting, trying to give themselves a little boost you know!

Have a gander at this:
Taken when Lister was about 10 months old, and she's a happy healthy 17 month old now! I think you can see Psiren doing it a little bit too.

I just put it down to a snake excited to be out, I call it a happy dance haha! :)
QueenVic Posted - 21/03/2012 : 17:17:07
It looks to me like she is clinging onto your leg and trying to push herself forwards on to your hand but her front end wont grip to your hand, so she's kind of pushing herself with her back end.. she is probably wobbling cause she's tensing up..
darrkang3l Posted - 21/03/2012 : 12:22:52
Originally posted by Mort13

Funny question maybe,but have you handled her in darker conditions to see if theres a difference? I've seen this kind of movement sometimes when bringing a snake from darkness into bright light as if they are adjusting to it or something.

hmm perhaps but not that i can recall properly lol! i usually handle my snakes in the afternoon when i see that they are up and about! :)
Mort13 Posted - 20/03/2012 : 20:23:55
Funny question maybe,but have you handled her in darker conditions to see if theres a difference? I've seen this kind of movement sometimes when bringing a snake from darkness into bright light as if they are adjusting to it or something.
nickyff Posted - 20/03/2012 : 09:27:20
ahh- the pogo.....round about that sort of time there were a lot of basement parties among my friends- lunacy in cellars... one bloke concussed himself because he forgot he was in a cellar and got a little too enthusiastic...

Simmy_82 Posted - 20/03/2012 : 08:49:06
I remember having Pogo competitions at family BBQ's those where the days!
Okeetee Mick Posted - 20/03/2012 : 07:26:55
Originally posted by darrkang3l

Originally posted by nickyff

could be worse. myst could be doing the 'pogo'.

(ask somebody old)

The Pogo? lool?

That brings back some good memories, I think you mean older, lol
darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 23:32:17
Originally posted by lotabob

With the tail going like the clappers I would say its a nervous thing rather than a gazer.

yeah that's what i thought but she just literally started the tail thing that second and stopped straight away lol! that's why i didnt write about it in my post :P bless her! she will get nice and confident like my other hatchie! he will only eat from my hand tho. no tongs allowed xD
darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 23:30:19
Originally posted by nickyff

could be worse. myst could be doing the 'pogo'.

(ask somebody old)

The Pogo? lool?
nickyff Posted - 19/03/2012 : 22:14:18
could be worse. myst could be doing the 'pogo'.

(ask somebody old)
Simmy_82 Posted - 19/03/2012 : 22:10:40
Glad it's not stargazer gene. Sorry to scare you a little. Knew others would have a better idea about it than I! Glad they cleared it up for you.
lotabob Posted - 19/03/2012 : 22:09:58
With the tail going like the clappers I would say its a nervous thing rather than a gazer.
Georgina Posted - 19/03/2012 : 21:30:27
^^^^^^^^:) :) :)
Okeetee Mick Posted - 19/03/2012 : 20:41:31
We used to dance like that years ago, nothing wrong at all
darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 20:30:58
Originally posted by georginasweeting

They aren't used to being handled, when I first got my two it was like they were learnng to slighter for the first time, like a child, a bit wobbly, I can't see the vid as I'm on my phome.

I wouldn't bother saying anything about them co-habing as they are pro cohabbbing any age any sex.

You have to keep an open mind with rep shops. Betta aquatics have just doubled the size of there rep room and have frogs, scorpions, spiders, loads of hatchies (kept in twos) some adults (again in same sex pairs) some milks, a common boa, It seems a LOT better in there. Check it out x

yeah thats what it could be. ile just keep a close eye on her!
wheyy! im gunna go there tomorrow and have a gander! (betta aquatics that is!) always liked that shop since i was little! thanks for the help again! :D x
Georgina Posted - 19/03/2012 : 20:06:40
They aren't used to being handled, when I first got my two it was like they were learnng to slighter for the first time, like a child, a bit wobbly, I can't see the vid as I'm on my phome.

I wouldn't bother saying anything about them co-habing as they are pro cohabbbing any age any sex.

You have to keep an open mind with rep shops. Betta aquatics have just doubled the size of there rep room and have frogs, scorpions, spiders, loads of hatchies (kept in twos) some adults (again in same sex pairs) some milks, a common boa, It seems a LOT better in there. Check it out x
darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 20:00:25
Originally posted by eeji

I agree with G, stargazing is much more 'violent' and random. Maybe he's just exploring his surroundings?

Thanks for the feedback! :) you lot are making me feel much better! :D
darrkang3l Posted - 19/03/2012 : 19:59:37
Originally posted by gmac

gazers are pretty much full on, havent heard of a weak strain it is totally noticeable.

this is our (loan) stargazer is not ideal watching but gives the idea.

awww i see how bad it is! any idea why she wobbles her head like that? or could she just be a bit special?
eeji Posted - 19/03/2012 : 19:59:36
I agree with G, stargazing is much more 'violent' and random. Maybe he's just exploring his surroundings?
Sta~ple Posted - 19/03/2012 : 19:55:05
Don't stargazers heads really wobbly and bobble when they eat, could try that? She does look a tad special though bless her haha

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