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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nickyff Posted - 19/03/2012 : 00:11:36
I know that they can go months without eating, and its probably time of the year and all that, but i weighed the Errant Knave tonight and he's lost 12g in the last month of not eating.
when i get him out he's perfectly normally wiggly as he usually is, but in his viv he's been hiding away nearly all the time.
there've been two attempts at feeding where he's been interested and clearly hungry, but things have gone awry- first a chick that got 3/4 down then he spat it out, last week, then this evening i offered him a much smaller mouse than normal, he struck, missed and got my finger instead, then acted completely freaked out and ran away and hid. I put the mouse in with him but he's just ignored it since.

its the weight loss that's concerning me more than anything. is this a lot in this amount of time? I've read things from other ppl who've said their snakes didn't lose weight atall until months into a fast.last week he was making 'huff' noises quite a bit, but his nose and mouth are clear, no sign of nasties.
any ideas????
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nickyff Posted - 21/03/2012 : 00:32:43
hm, not really mort- feb 24th was the last one- and no sign of being in blue (pink)...

I'm going to leave him at least a week before another attempt at getting him to eat- doing my best to just swallow the worry and accept the 'they can go ages' principle, (whilst weighing probably more often than I might have done otherwise......
Mort13 Posted - 20/03/2012 : 20:27:52
In regards to the huffing sounds,is he due a shed at all?
nickyff Posted - 19/03/2012 : 20:57:54
he last ate on 14th feb. he was 423g on feb 21st, and 409g on march 17th. god my maths is dreadful- thats 14g not 12g . he's a tad over 3 feet long, about 4-5 inches over, I think.

but since he did the squshing himself through a stupidly small gap to get up into Debbie's floor of my weird double-decker viv, he's been not eating and very quiet. seems okay when he's taken out, tho.
eeji Posted - 19/03/2012 : 19:54:47
how big is he? 12g could be something or nothing depending
nickyff Posted - 19/03/2012 : 19:04:13
okay wil try the reptoboost, thx-
Mamma Posted - 19/03/2012 : 10:08:27
you could get some reptiboost to put in the water if you are concerned. Griffin has last over 12g in a month, (hes on a diet cos hes needing to loose the weight) but it hasnt done him any harm. Hes currently not eating, but he did this last year. He was 4 months fasting last year, but so far its only been 4 weeks. xx

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