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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pickle007 Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:04:43
hi can any one help me my female snow corn whont feed she has not been for three weeks now, plus she keep rubbing her nose on the whater bol and toys that are in there, has any one got any reson why? she 2ft and half long and her viv is 2ft and a half long!
we are very worryed about her
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Georgina Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:57:32
aslo mine are probed, midnight is female and has shorter stumpy tail compared to lightning probed as male who has a longer thiner tail. it completley depends on the snake.
pickle007 Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:32:05
ok thanks will keep it this now just see what happens
Georgina Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:32:04
corns cant really be visually sexedm probing is the only 100% way. as 'she' is off her food and rubbing everything id lean to male. rep shops will normall sex for free or a small fee.
gmac Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:31:08
no need to turn temps down anywhere between 27-30 is ok for corns.
pickle007 Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:29:17
yes shes a she because she has a thin tail
Georgina Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:27:40
their tummys will go milky first, 29 is fine as long as thats as high as it goes. x
pickle007 Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:25:57
i have just tuned down the heating in the viv it was on 29c so i tuned it down to 27c see if that help, but ger eyes are not grey yet or do hey have be that color?
Georgina Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:22:52
i agree with the above. also has your set up changed? are your temps ok as the weather has been nicer sometime the temps can alter x
gmac Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:20:46
dont be worried, a 3 week fast is absolutely nothing to worry about. Also with the rubbing could possibly be coming upto shed (another reason may not be eating).

Sta~ple Posted - 17/03/2012 : 22:19:41
Is she definetly a she not a he? Males get active and nose rub this time of year when sexually mature and often refused food.

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