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 How often should my snake shed?

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SpaceCadetStace Posted - 14/03/2012 : 15:44:50
I got a year old corn snake about a month ago and he shed on the 21st of feb, when I went to feed him today he wouldn't let me touch him and he's not moving much, his skin has gone kinda dull so I thought he'd be shedding again but is it normal for him to shed again this quickly?
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smart bunny Posted - 15/03/2012 : 11:51:37
It may be a simple case of getting more food and so growing quickly, especially if you got him from a shop where they will sometimes feed minimal amounts. Corno is almost 7 months old and seems to be shedding every 6 weeks ish at the moment. I wouldn't worry - as long as you're not overfeeding lol!
Auld Baldy Posted - 14/03/2012 : 16:40:15
Young snakes can shed every 6 to 8 weeks, mature snakes as little as twice a year. I'm still waiting for Mirkey to shed for the first time since I got him more than 5 months ago.

They will shed as often as nature decides dpending on their age and growth rate.
Simmy_82 Posted - 14/03/2012 : 15:58:15
Each snake is different. Mine sheds every 50-60 days, but isnt even a year old. Depends how fast they are growing, if they have any damaged scales etc these factors affect how often they shed. I wouldnt worry to much about it shedding. It would shed if it didnt need to.

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