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 Won't feed!!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 19:37:24
Hi, not sure what to do really, my corn went missing for about 4 weeks, didn't feed the week before he went, he's been back 2 weeks and still not eating, he's pooing but it's a strange colour, I'm relatively new to this and could do with some advise :(
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Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 21:43:30
Bout a year
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:49:10
how old is he?
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:47:40
Awesome, thank u soooo much xxxx
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:45:31
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:45:00
Is it one u can put in water?
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:43:10
possibly stop for this week and see if he feeds in a week. i would suggest reptoboost bit theres no rock solid research of the benefits. one of mine regurded a while ago and i used reptoboost and she has been fine ever since. x
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:39:12
It's called bsp vitamin drops, 1 drop per 200ml
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:36:42
what sort of vitamins? you might has to turn it down or up depending on the temps it reaches
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:34:29
Tweaked? Sorry to sound stupid lol also I've been putting vitamins in his water would this make any difference? Had a mixed review bout them
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:30:35
aslong as it doens go about 30 youll fine, the stat will need to be tweaked until it clicks off at 29. i would wait a week. x
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:28:58
What will happen if it's to high? And when should I try to feed him again?
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:28:34
its ok, keep and eye on the temps. and make sure the temp probe and the stat probe are together in the middle of the mat, touching the mat x
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:26:45
Ok jus done that, thank you
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:25:02
if the temps are that low he wont eat because he wont be able to digest easily.
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:24:03
there will be a dial on the front of the thermostat, normally you need a screwdriver ot knife to turn it up
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:21:40
He was in the same viv
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:20:28
Yes but don't no how to turn the mat up
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:19:55
still seems a tad too big, what was he in before you got him?
Emma24 Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:19:15
Sorry I made a mistake to lol he's jus under 2 foot
Georgina Posted - 12/03/2012 : 20:18:03
it could be the viv is too big, and the hot end should be between 27 and 29. do you have a thermostat?

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