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 whats wrong snake!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MeandMilo Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:06:51
milo has not eaten in 5 weeks i can figure out what is wrong with him?!

i have run the vet and two pet shops to find out what is wrong and i have tried everything that they suggested from feeding outside vivarium and braining to baths and trying new foods.

he is happy and lively slithering around and tounge flicky he is happy to come out still

i have weighed him and he is 800gms which i think is a healthy snake and checked him for mites which he hasn't got

everytime i put food near him he acts like is a predator and acts defencive and slithers a way or goes into his hide or he curls up on it (which i think is weird)

he had a couple of bad sheds and has some scales which i can't seem to get off his face because he runs away

any suggestions please
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lotabob Posted - 04/03/2012 : 22:15:22
With the constant roaming It does sound like he (is that confirmed) is doing what a lot of male snakes are doing about now. Thinking about mating. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but females can also do this (shameless hussies).

As above though snakes can go months and months without eating, they dont generate body heat so use very little energy and even if they fast for months they will lose very little weight so you can relax a little bit, this is what snakes are built to do.
Auld Baldy Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:29:44
It is the breeding season and he has other things on his mind. 5 weeks is absolutely nothing to worry about, Taggart went for 17 weeks with nothing to eat a couple of years back.

As long as he is active there is no real need for a visit to the vet. At 800grams he has plenty in reserve to keep him going.

Whether he likes it or not, try a damp flannel and let him work his way through it to try and loosen the face scales. You could also try a damp moss hide.
Mamma Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:23:24
800g is actually classed as "big" for an adult corn. Griffin is 800+ and currently on a diet of 1 large mouse a fortnight.

Breeding season is here. Last season griffin went off his feeds for 4 months. Its likely that this is the cause. His weight is fine.. so theres no need to worry about him. Keep an eye on the weight until he finally starts eating again. You might just need patience to see the breeding season through

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