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 Scales falling off

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lauren.Iris Posted - 03/03/2012 : 12:53:34
My snake is 7 months old and has shed 5 times in it's life so far.
I noticed last night that on it's belly, some clear scales were hanging off a bit and this morning there's about 15-20 and are coming off on my hand when I hold it.
I have heard that this could be down to mites and I have looked all over it's body and can't see any, also I haven't noticed it soaking in it's water.
Anyone have any ideas what this may be?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Toki Posted - 04/03/2012 : 22:16:31
Yeah red's wheezing was an unrelated illness.
I'm not sure, do youhave pics of yours? I usy take purs the vet if im worried. Chances arr its a bad shed. Id get urs some vits and turn heat up for a bit
Lauren.Iris Posted - 04/03/2012 : 18:08:48
Yes just like it except mine has been acting completely normally; eating regularly, the last shed was whole and isn't wheezing. Should I take him to the vets to be safe or wait a while?
Toki Posted - 03/03/2012 : 18:23:04
Sorry! Silly phone lol.
Her heat is at 28 now and shes back to being her curious self

Hope this helps!!!
Toki Posted - 03/03/2012 : 18:21:29

Red's almost back to normal, but it's taken a while.
Took to the vet and he wasnt worried, he said it looked like an abnormal shed.
We've blitzed her viv every week with fresh bedding etc
had her heat at about 30-32.
Shes only just got her appetite back.
We also used repti boost in her water and ace high vitamin stuff on her food when she started eating.
Her first shed since being ill wss terrible and bitty abd we bathed her. She ate after that and she had the vits on her mouse.
Shed again couple of weeks later, ate in shed too and it wss perfect.
Her belly is still a bit odd in patches but shes much nore herself and shes just gone into shed again.
Hoping in a month or so she'll be back to normal. Her heat and vits helped a lot.
Her geats back at 28
smart bunny Posted - 03/03/2012 : 13:29:00
Hi, not sure myself, but is it similar to the snake in these threads posted recently? If so Toki may be able to help as Red is now almost better!!,scales,scales

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