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 tail bone visible at tip of tail

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
siobhanj Posted - 28/02/2012 : 20:22:11
The tail bone seems to be visible at the very tip of my daughter's corn snake, about a millimetre only. She is about 3 years old, feeds well, sheds well, is still happy to be handled, is this a common issue, should we go straight to the vet?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
a2c7 Posted - 13/04/2012 : 12:52:18
I'm worried about my corn's tail. Ara has retained the tiniest little bit of shed at the very tip of his/her tail - it's about 2mm max. I've tried running Ara through some moist tissue but it doesn't want to come off! I'm now trying to remember if there was a tiny bit of retained shed there before, when we got Ara.

If, in the end, it doesn't come off, will Ara lose the tiny tip of his tail? Would it do him any harm? Is there another way I can encourage the retained shed to come off? He's not too keen on me using too much pressure on the tail tip and quickly whisks it out of my fingers as soon as he notices I'm paying too much attention!
SexyBear77 Posted - 01/03/2012 : 19:42:18
The tip of one of my youngsters tails came off shortly after purchase due to retained shed, leaving the bone exposed.

I kept her on kitchen towel and dressed it daily with Manuka honey, and now its fine.

But of course if you are in any doubt then visit a good reptile vet.
lotabob Posted - 29/02/2012 : 12:48:36
Yeah if the tail tip dies and drops off its NOT a good thing but if it is a clean wound it should heal, if you can see the bone a trip to the vets is needed. Last thing you want is an infection getting into the bone.
mikeyd_26 Posted - 29/02/2012 : 00:03:53
snakes can lose the tip of their tail with no serious effects quite often due to a bad shed were the dead skin constricts the blood flow
and the tip dies
but.... im no vet nor expert so if ur sure you can see bone a trip to the vets might be a good idea :)
Casta Posted - 28/02/2012 : 21:24:59
my hatchie got something like that when he last shed. wasn't a great one so i put a damp hide in with him that he used straight away, i didn't need to help at all. however it seemed a clean shed after that but i noticed the tip had come off or maybe just the scales? its been like that now for a while, not been infected, not hurting him for me to touch it and being his ususal self. keep an eye on and hopefully it'll improve with the next shed or 2.

If this is wrong please correct me but i've just done a wait and see and he's been fine since the 5th of feb with no weeping etc...

Snakes have a great way of repairing themselves.

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